The most famous houses of writers turned into museums

There are a number of international writers who have lived in the memory of history and are still commemorating their existence despite the passage of the common people on their deaths, some houses have turned into museums or archaeological areas can be visited and see the place that witnessed a large part of the production of these writers.

The most famous book houses can be visited
1-William Falker, Oxford, Mississippi
William Falker bought this house in 1930, after selling a series of successful stories, and then the Nobel Prize for Literature. After the death of Valker six years, specifically in 1962, this house became a national landmark.

2-U, Hillsboro, West Virginia
The house is the home of American writer Perle Buck, who lives in West Virginia. Buck won the Nobel Prize in 1938 and one of her most famous works is The Good Land of 1931. Pearl paved the way for women writers who were injected, On humanitarian issues such as migration and adoption.

3-Nathaniel Hawthorne, Concord, Massachusetts
In 1852, the American writer Nathaniel bought this house in Concord and wrote some of his most recent works. In 1962, the house became an archaeological museum and a national historical landmark.

4. Leo Tolstoy, Tula, Russia
Tolstelloy was born in Jasnaya Poliana in the Russian city of Tula. He has published a number of important books, including War and Peace, 1867, and was also buried in the same region.

5. Charlize Dickens, London
Charles Dickens bought this house after he married a year in 1837 and wrote his famous novel Twist in 1838, which bears the name of Charles Dickens, one of the symbols of the city. In 1925, the house was converted into the Charles Dickens Museum, Of the books and articles written by the writer during his life.

6-George Orwell, Jura, Scotland
George Orwell arrived in 1946 with this son in order to work on ending the story of the last and most successful writer. The house was a farmhouse in the town of Jura, Scotland. In 1984, the house became an archaeological place.

7-Virginia Woolf, England
She lived with her husband in this house from 1919 until her death in 1941. This house has seen some of her literary works such as Dalway 1925, House of Light 1927, and other wonderful works. After her death, the house became an art museum with all its works Literature.

8. Margaret Mitchell, Atlanta
Margaret Mitchell wrote her Nobel Prize-winning novel, Gone with the Wind 1936, in this house. The house went through a number of fires, but thanks to the efforts of those interested in literature and literature it has been preserved and is now a museum and a national and historical heritage area.

9. Robert Frost, New Hampshire
Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1874 and moved to this house in 1900. He has written a collection of his wonderful poems in the house. Currently, this house is a museum and one of the most important national monuments in the city.

10-Goethe, Frankfurt, Germany
The playwright, Johann Goethe, was born in this house in 1749. Goethe lived until the age of 16 when he moved to Leipzig to study law. Now this house is one of the most famous museums and attractions in Germany. .


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