The main drawbacks of tourism in Australia

The main drawbacks of tourism in Australia

British student Elizabeth Beamer, 21, who studied in Sydney from 2016 to 2018, said living in Australia has many negative aspects that many don't know.

The student shared with the British Daily Mail a number of negative aspects she discovered about living or tourism in Australia, as follows:

1- The brazenness of the restaurant hosts
Elizabeth said she found that Australian restaurant hosts can be rude to customers because they get high wages and don't rely too much on tips. “In Australia, I have come across some places where restaurant hosts are rude with their customers. The minimum wage in Australia is $ 25 per hour, while the minimum wage in Britain is only about $ 10.

2 - cockroaches
According to Elizabeth, many places are teeming with cockroaches in Sydney, due to high temperatures, and city residents usually spray cockroaches three times a month.

3 - Food is expensive
Elizabeth says food prices in Sydney are incredibly high, with a $ 14 burgers and $ 7 in America.

Difficulty absorbing the Australian accent
Elizabeth said that accommodating people speaking quickly with an Australian accent is a major challenge even for British and American people.

5- Different seasons of the year
Australia is known to be located in the southern hemisphere, so the seasons differ from the northern hemisphere, with summer from December to February, autumn from March to May, winter from June to August, and spring from September to November.

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