Pierre Saint Monica .. Los Angeles
Santa Monica has a population of nearly 100,000
The neighborhood is a mixture of wealthy neighborhoods, renters, professionals and students.
The name of the neighborhood is due to Santa Monica
The neighborhood was viewed as a resort from the early twentieth century until 1980
The neighborhood has been revitalized so that it is placed on the tourist map of Los Angeles ... Santa Monica is famous for its famous 3-mile-long beach on the pier (Pierre).
It is one of the most famous places in western America, known as Pierre Santa Monica
The Santa Monica Pier was opened on September 9, 1909, after 16 months of construction. Its purpose was as a city sewage system, not as a recreational area.
And it began to be seen as a recreational area in 1922 and until now
The company responsible for it (Pierre Newcombe) made strenuous efforts in the years 1953 and 1960 to remove the wooden sidewalk and build a cement sidewalk .. with the work of an island .. and the construction of a hotel containing 1500 rooms
And the city council agreed, but the citizens stood for the company..and to the city council on the lookout
They prevented the company from doing what it wanted.. their desire to preserve the sidewalk
In the same form in which it was built... and the people obtained a final ruling in 1973 to cancel the idea and keep the sidewalk as it is...
And next to the pier on the right, to the west, as you walk on the well, there is a temporary modern monument known as
Arlington West
It is an idea of Veterans for Peace
On the sand, next to the Pierre, every Sunday morning
From sunrise to sunset
A cross is planted as a metaphor for the death of an American soldier
In Iraq and Afghanistan
Until the number reached more than 4 thousand American soldiers
Crosses are planted like graves with their abundance on the seashore
In the midst of people who came only for entertainment in this place
Strange thing in the American mentality
In Beverly Hills, there is no hospital - a large hospital that appears to be a hospital - so that the wealthy forget the neighborhood
And in Santa Monica, on the sands of the beach, names and crosses pointing to the dead Americans in distant lands in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Without a doubt, he sees thousands of dead!!!