The Lost Continent of Atlantis... Real or False?

The continent of Atlantis has always been just a myth that no scientist or archaeological researcher, no matter how famous and experienced he is, can prove or deny its existence definitively.

And the talk about Atlantis goes back to an ancient time..older than you can imagine. It was mentioned for the first time in Plato’s dialogues around the year 335 BC.

In his famous dialogue known as Timaeus, Critias tells that the Egyptian priests received Solon in their temples, and this is a historical fact. Then he points out that they told Solon of an ancient story contained in their records, she says:

-There was once a great empire

According to Plato, who came to existence 9000 years ago, known as Atlantis, occupies a huge continent behind the Pillars of Hercules - the Strait of Gibraltar today - and it was larger than North Africa and Asia combined, and behind it a chain of islands, linking it with another huge continent.

In the same dialogue, Critias described Atlantis as God’s paradise on earth, in which all plants, vegetables and fruits grow, all animals and birds live, and springs of hot and cold water erupt in it, and everything in it is clean, beautiful, and pure.

Its people are among the finest and greatest, with engineering and scientific expertise tens of times more than what could be imagined in the era of Plato.

Critias described their establishment of a network of irrigation canals, bridges, and docks at which their huge merchant ships and fleets anchored.

Then Critias tells about the war between the Athenians and the Atlanteans and describes a terrible disaster that befell the Athenian army, and drowned the whole continent of Atlantis in the ocean!

And here ends the conversation...

And the problem begins

Atlantis problem..!!

In the beginning, researchers dealt with Plato's dialogue as an ideal novel to describe the utopia, and that it is just a fiction and nothing more..

Then the scholars put themselves in the matter.

The reason that made scholars think about the story of Atlantis is that the idea of ​​an intermediate continent linking Africa and America used to fill the minds and arouse the interest of scholars who wonder about the secret of the existence of a similarity between the two worlds, the old and the new.

And they are looking for a logical scientific reason for the existence of the same plants and animals on two continents separated by a huge water area

At the same time, there were those amazing civilizational phenomena that scientists find in the midst of places that were never famous for civilization, and the presence of similar legends in those places indicating that the gods came from another civilization that developed all this..

The existence of an advanced continent in this ancient time comforted the minds of all.. It assumed the existence of a developed people who built their civilization in the heart of the earth and spread parts of it in all the continents.

But where is the evidence of the existence of Atlantis one day??

Plato's story still oscillates between fantasy, half fiction and truth, and at the same time there is no single evidence that Athena was once with such strength that it was able to confront a developed civilization such as the civilization of Atlantis..

At the same time, we find among the scholars who confirm the existence of Atlantis, and point out that Plato made a mistake in the date and time only, and that he was using a calendar from the one we use now

Their argument in this is to reveal the fact that the city of Troy exists.

Troy is a mythical city mentioned by (Homer) in his epic months, the Iliad and the Odyssey, around the year 850 BC, that is, about five centuries before Plato.

Scholars have continued to believe that Troy is a fiction of Homer's brainchild

Until the German (Henris Schulemann) came in 1871 AD to extract Troy from the dirt in (Hisarbek) in northern Turkey.

After him, Sir Arthur Evans confirmed that the Labyrinth Palace, which was mentioned in the myth of the Minotaurus, is real and proves its existence already in 1900 AD.

Since Schulemann and Evans have found two legends, why doesn't a third find a third? And prove that Atlantis is a reality?!

From this standpoint, dozens of attempts began to prove the existence of Atlantis, and scientists began searching in places other than the Atlantic Ocean, which could be the true cradle of the lost continent. The British philosopher (Francis Bacon) pointed out that Atlantis is the same continent of America.

The British (Francis Willgorod) confirmed that the British Isles are part of the lost continent of Atlantis

While others suggested its presence in Sweden, the Indian Ocean, or even in the Arctic

Then came the prophecy of (Edgar Cayce) to set a new rule for the whole case..!

In June 1940 AD, when the famous spiritual mediator (Edgar Cayce) announced one of his most famous prophecies throughout his long history, he said that through strong spiritual mediation, a part of the sunken continent of Atlantis is expected to emerge near the Bahamas between 1968 and 1969 AD

Many accused Case of fraud and sorcery when he announced this prophecy

Despite this, the world was eagerly awaiting the appearance of Atlantis.

But the appearance of that part in the same place and time that Case specified in his prophecy had a thunderbolt on everyone, supporters and opponents, as it was, in everyone’s opinion, the only tangible evidence of the existence of Atlantis.

After the appearance of the small island of Cayce and the buildings or archaeological ruins above it, a famous researcher, writer and diver named (Charles Berlitz) decided to search for Atlantis in the same location, and he began his search already, to take a number of pictures of clear ruins at the bottom of the ocean

Huge rock cubes with right angles of ninety degrees, which eliminates the possibility of making them by nature and erosion factors alone.

But this was not the only thing that was found.

In that region of the ocean, researchers have found near the coast of Venezuela a wall of more than one hundred and twenty kilometers in the depths of the ocean.

And a French surveyor saw a staircase carved into the bottom near Puerto Rico

Despite this, the controversy over Atlantis still exists.

The theories are not finished.

Among these theories is a theory that says:

The inhabitants of Atlantis came from another planet in a huge spaceship that settled on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean

And they made everything that amazes us in the caves of (Tisli) in well as (Baghdad Battery) and the civilization of (Egypt).

And that they were blue-skinned giants, (and there are to this in some narrations already)

Then the Athenians launched a war against them. They blew up the Athenian army with an atomic bomb or something similar, and then they left and left behind all these traces...

Despite the strangeness of this theory, it finds those who support it with enthusiasm.. He points out that all the gods and kings have been described in all ages as being blue-blooded or noble-blooded.

The blue color was called the "royal color"...

There is another theory linking Atlantis with the island of Crete, which once carried a wonderful and dazzling civilization that was similar in many aspects to the civilization of Atlantis, as Professor (K.T. Fruit) pointed out in 1990 AD in London, where he said:

Everything in Crete is similar to what Plato mentioned about Atlantis

Both civilizations originated on an island

And they both met the same abrupt end

There are also oxen ceremonies, and the great harbor, and great baths, and sports fields, and all the other things that Sir (Evans) found in Crete that Plato mentioned in the dialogue Critias.

Professor (J.F. Loach) supports this in his book (The End of Atlantis) and confirms that the disappearance of Atlantis is a metaphorical meaning and not a real one, that it did not sink to the bottom of the ocean, but was subjected to a catastrophe that claimed it, such as the disasters of the volcano (Thera) and the volcano (Krakatua) when the volcano erupted and destroyed Whole island..!

German physicist Rainer Cove believes that Atlantis was an area on the southern Spanish coast that was swept away by a raft between 800 and 500 BC.

Swedish geologist Cliff Erlingsof believed that Ireland matches Plato's descriptions of Atlantis,

Others believe that Atlantis is the island of Spartel, which is a shallow muddy patch that was sank into the sea at the Strait of Gibraltar about 11,500 years ago.

There are many physical features that have begun to unfold and appear successively to the public, confirming the existence of the continent of Atlantis, the most important of which are:

1- A map preserved in the Library of the United States of America (Library of Congress) known as the Piri Reis map that was found in 1929 in the palace of the Turkish sultan now known as Topkapi, where the name and location of the continent of Atlantis appears on the map.

2- There is an Egyptian manuscript written on papyrus called the Harris manuscript, 45 meters long, indicating the fate of the continent of Atlantis, and it is preserved in the British Museum.

3- Another Egyptian manuscript kept in the Hermitage Museum in Petersburg in Russia refers to the pharaoh's sending an expedition to the West in search of Atlantis.

4- The presence of a mountain range at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Strait of Gibraltar, photographed by a Russian mission by a submarine called Academic Petrovsky in 1974. After studying the quality of this mountain range, it was found that in ancient times it was on the surface of the ocean... The researchers say that it was part of the lost continent, Atlantis.

3- A quartz crystal skull found in 1924 on top of a demolished temple in Honduras bearing very precise details of the skull of an ordinary human without any trace of any scratches on it

Some of today's most famous scientists attribute this crystal skull to the extinct civilization of Atlantis.

As usual, all these theories lack evidence.

Strong scientific evidence!

Until the moment of writing these lines, dozens of scientists are still searching for the continent of Atlantis, which has become the continent of mystery and imagination in the minds of scholars and writers.

Dozens of theories have been discussed.

Hundreds of articles and books have been written in her name

Countless numbers of fantasy novels assume their existence and find, and imagination weaves exciting adventures within them about its civilization and progress..

And about her mysterious people..!

Those who built the most mysterious and exciting civilizations in history..

who once ruled the world.

And those who went

And no return..!

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