In East Africa, the ancient City of Giants has been discovered, and it has the power to rewrite history

In East Africa, the ancient City of Giants has been discovered, and it has the power to rewrite history


The ancient "City of Giants," which dates back to the 10th century BC, was discovered by archaeologists from the University of Exeter and the Ethiopian Authority for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage in the Harlaa region of eastern Ethiopia.

Throughout human history, myths and legends have been told about huge cities built and inhabited by giants. The practices of numerous communities separated by seas and a large number of megalithic structures from various periods strongly support their existence.

The Quinametzin were giants in Mesoamerican mythology who were tasked with building the mythical city of Teotihuacán, which was built by the sun gods. Variants of this theme can be found in every part of the world, including huge buildings, monuments, and large cities. This puzzles scientists who are still trying to figure out how ordinary people built them in the past, even with the help of modern science.
That actually took place in this region of Ethiopia. The current residents of the Harlaa site tell of enormous structures made of enormous blocks that surrounded it, leading to widespread speculation that it was once home to a famous City of Giants.

That actually took place in this region of Ethiopia. The current residents of the Harlaa site tell of enormous structures made of enormous blocks that surrounded it, leading to widespread speculation that it was once home to a famous City of Giants.
Antiquities discovered in far-flung locations like Egypt, India, and China stunned researchers and demonstrated the region's trade capabilities. Harlaa's fabled lost city Specialists likewise found a mosque from the twelfth century that is indistinguishable from those in Tanzania, as well as an independent Somaliland region, which is a true sovereign express that isn't perceived by the UN. They all point to a possible connection between various African Islamic groups during that time.
In terms of archaeology, a professor from the University of Exeter acknowledges that the findings have significantly altered public perceptions of Ethiopia's long-forgotten economic operations. Its significance is further enhanced by the fact that it was a well-known commercial center for the region.

Is this a giant city?
The Harlaa people were of the opinion that the colossus could only move the stone blocks that were necessary to build the structures in their region. However, after examining over 300 young adult and adolescent skeletons from nearby cemeteries, experts determined that the individuals were not at all giants based on their average height and stature.
On the other hand, the locals claim that they are not convinced and refuse to accept the archaeologists' argument. Sincerely, this isn't the first time that modern science has dismissed a long-standing custom as merely folklore. Because they don't seem interested in making up such stories, we don't know how the indigenous people are so convinced of the giants' hypothesis.
Even though the tombs do not contain any evidence of giants, this does not rule out the possibility that the site was built by giants. Due to their perceived size and strength, many people believe that these beings were not buried together. Others, then again, conflict


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