How to make a channel about travel and tourism and make money from it

How to make a channel about travel and tourism and make money from it

Traveling is a very useful habit, some do it for entertainment and others do it because of the nature or place of work, but both of them can profit from it.

Creating a channel on YouTube, Rumble, Facebook, or any other platform to publish videos about travel and tourism and profit from them is considered one of the relatively new trends in the field of profit, especially for young people or any other age group.

You might think that travel content should include visiting natural landmarks or archaeological areas around the world to be attractive, and this is half the truth.

Viewers are attracted to everything that is new to them, regardless of its location or content, and this is a key factor in the success of travel channels on it.

In this article, we show you several ideas that will help you create a channel about travel and travel and profit from it easily and at low costs.

Where do you travel to get content for your travel channel?
Travel content is an important part of the distinguished content, as it introduces you to new places and the customs of peoples different from you. The success of this content in attracting visitors and followers led to its branching out into new branches that offer different and useful content.

There are those who travel for the purpose of visiting the oldest natural monuments in the world, and others who are interested in tasting local foods in each country. This diversity of content attracted followers who may not be interested in the idea of travel itself, but they are interested in its purpose.

In other words, you may find followers who are not passionate about travel, but are interested in knowing information about the archaeological sites visited by the owner of the channel, or in knowing different and new foods and recipes that are famous in a particular country.

Also, the owners of travel channels usually focus on making the focus of their videos a specific topic that attracts a specific segment of followers.

You may now be wondering, well, where do I go or which country whose features can be exploited to make an attractive video, and the answer is all countries.

Any country to travel to near or far can inspire you with an endless number of content ideas for your channel. But can you travel to any country?

We know that traveling to other countries may be difficult for some, but there are several solutions that we will suggest to help with this content.

Where do you travel to get content for your travel channel?
Travel content is an important part of the distinguished content on YouTube, as it introduces you to new places and the customs of peoples different from you. The success of this content in attracting visitors and followers led to its branching out into new branches that offer different and useful content.

There are those who travel for the purpose of visiting the oldest natural monuments in the world, and others who are interested in tasting local foods in each country. This diversity of content attracted followers who may not be interested in the idea of travel itself, but they are interested in its purpose.

In other words, you may find followers who are not passionate about travel, but are interested in knowing information about the archaeological sites visited by the owner of the channel, or in knowing different and new foods and recipes that are famous in a particular country.

Also, the owners of travel channels usually focus on making the focus of their videos a specific topic that attracts a specific segment of followers.

You may now be wondering, well, where do I go or which country whose features can be exploited to make an attractive video, and the answer is all countries.

Any country to travel to near or far can inspire you with an endless number of content ideas for your channel. But can you travel to any country?

We know that traveling to other countries can be difficult for some, but there are several solutions that we will propose to help in this article.

1. Domestic travel (to areas within your country or city)
Traveling to places in your country is easy to do right? You will not need to obtain travel permits, find a place to stay, or exchange currency, and most importantly, the cost of travel itself will not be large.

The idea may seem a little strange to you, or you think that it will not attract viewers to your channel, but this is not true. You may know all the interesting places and landmarks in your country and memorize them by heart, but they are not known to your audience, who are often from different countries around the world.

There are several ideas that can be implemented in the field of travel locally to be the focus of your YouTube channel, such as:

Travel to archaeological sites in your country.
Travel to natural attractions in your country.
Find the best restaurants and entertainment venues available in a specific area or regions.
Explore the most popular regional foods in your country.
Visit religious places.
The idea of ​​traveling locally within the scope of your city and traveling to its affiliated regions or centers can be implemented. You can also travel to neighboring cities and provinces, which do not take more than a few hours to reach.

You can then move on to visit cities far away from your city and implement travel ideas on a larger scale. For example, you can search for the best restaurant that serves a specific meal in several cities in your country, or visit historical monuments located in several cities associated with a particular historical era.

2. Traveling to countries that do not require a travel visa before visiting them
Usually, you need to obtain a travel visa to visit any country, but there are a number of countries that are not subject to this rule. These countries either do not require a visa immediately after visiting them, or require them after a period of entry.

These countries are usually divided into two types:

Countries that do not need a travel visa to enter (but they impose a certain period to be inside them without it).
Countries for which you can obtain a travel visa after arrival.
The list of countries in both types differs based on your nationality and the relationship of your home country with it, for example some countries allow Egyptians to visit without obtaining a visa while they do not allow holders of some other nationalities and so on.

Visiting and residing in countries that do not require a visa to enter are specific and not permanent. The period of being allowed to be inside this country without a visa may range from 15 days to 3 months, which is more than enough time to make several videos about it on your channel.

However, if you want to stay for a longer period in these countries, you will need to obtain a travel visa, do not worry because most of these countries provide easy ways to obtain their travel visa easily and quickly.

Some of the ways to obtain a visa for these countries are:

Obtain it at the airport upon arrival (such as Lebanon for Egyptians).
Obtaining it through its own website (it is called an electronic travel visa), such as the United Arab Emirates for Egyptians.
It is important that some (if not most) of these countries require a fee to obtain their visa but it is usually simple.

  With a little research on the Internet, you can find out which countries belong to this category and their entry requirements in terms of fees and papers. It is important to determine the type of visa because most of what we mentioned in this part is directed to tourist visas, because they are most suitable for making YouTube videos.

This category of countries is the best choice in the field of travel from one country to another, this is due to the ease of travel procedures, and the costs of accommodation and travel are cheaper compared to most countries in the following categories, and they also contain countries that make great videos easy to make about.

3. Profit from affiliate marketing of travel products
Traveling and staying away from home for long periods requires owning some products such as bags, sports shoes, etc. Your followers who love traveling will be interested in trying the products you use when you travel.

You can earn a commission through every sale made through you of a product that you marketed through your channel. Major electronic stores such as Amazon are considered the best and safest in this field, but you can contract with other sites and stores as well.

Most of the profits from these methods may be sufficient to cover the costs of an entire video series while achieving a reasonable profit margin.

You can also profit from affiliate marketing on the Booking website, which is considered the first site for booking hotels and tourist accommodations.

1. Define your idea
There are several popular channels in the field of travel and tourism, but each one is distinguished by providing a different experience to the viewer. It is important to define what your channel will be about so that you can plan the content you will present to your followers.

Use the ideas we presented in this article and focus on them. You can focus on one idea or combine more than one idea and create distinctive content. You can combine travel to search for tourist attractions with festivals or restaurants with entertainment places.

Content is always about your opinions, ideas, and of course your audience, and it is important to define it at the beginning of creating the channel to attract the target audience segment.

2. Prepare your tools
To create a YouTube channel about travel, you will need two types of tools:

a) Travel gear
These are the tools you need to spend your travel time easily and in a way that facilitates the process of touring and photographing. The number and purpose of these tools varies from one person to another according to his needs, the country to which he will travel, and the duration of travel.

It is not important to buy tools and products that belong to a specific brand as much as it is important that they be practical and well-made.

b) Photographic tools
Photography tools are the foundation of any YouTube travel channel, so they must be chosen carefully. These tools are usually expensive, especially for beginners. However, there are economical options that provide the ability to film at acceptable quality, allowing for content that is suitable for viewing, such as using your mobile phone.

Testing the right imaging equipment for you is directly related to your budget, but even the most expensive equipment isn't necessarily right for you. Here you will need to do some research online for tools that suit you in terms of quality and value before making a purchasing decision.

3. Watch your expenses and profits
The decision to create a YouTube channel about travel and tourism and profit from it is an investment decision, and therefore its costs and profits must be carefully monitored. We know that travel itself is fun but expensive, and pleasure is not your only goal in making this channel.

Monitor the costs of creating each video in terms of travel, photography, and numbers, and compare them to its profits after a while. Of course, each video has its own circumstances, costs, and profits, but in general, there must be a balance between what you spend and what you earn, so that the latter is greater than the former.

Write down all your costs periodically and compare them to your profits so that you can determine the rate of return on investment for your channel and how you can increase it.

4. The quality of the videos matters
Followers of travel channels enjoy seeing the places and landmarks that these channels present to them in an attractive way.

Engaging travel content videos often have the following characteristics:

Its photographic quality is high.
Available in various display resolutions (at least 480p and available to watch at higher resolutions such as 1080p and 4K).
Pure and clear sound.
Video editing should be well done and attractive.
The competition in this content is intense, and in order to build a following, you must produce attractive videos. Creating videos with the above features may be difficult at first, but you can start with a quality that is suitable for viewing and then graduate to reach the highest level and then the next.

5. Meet your followers
One of the best ways to increase the popularity of your channel and the number of your followers is to communicate with your audience. Usually, the owners of other channels communicate with their followers by interacting with their comments on the platform, but for the owners of travel channels, they have a better way to interact.

As the owner of a channel that publishes content about travel, after a while you will be able to attract followers from several different cities and countries around the world. It will be wonderful to meet these followers or a group of them every time you visit their country or the cities in which they reside.

Allocate time on each trip to meet your followers and audience in the country you are visiting and announce this on your channel. Meeting your followers will greatly increase the popularity of your channel and without much effort.

6. Directions can be chosen to be the focus of a travel and tourism channel
In addition to the ideas that we presented in the section on traveling locally, traveling to other countries provides several excellent ideas for creating content, such as:

Visiting national festivals and celebrations held by some countries (such as the Mexican Death Day and the Japanese Aomori Festival).
Visit the places where international films and series were filmed.
Try the street food of this country.
Visit the places and tourist attractions that each country is famous for.

In this article, we explained how to create a channel about travel and tourism and ways to profit from it. Although the idea of this channel may seem difficult or expensive, it is very flexible and can be implemented in more than one form and with minimal capabilities.

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