Strange phenomena that talk to everyone ..?

Strange phenomena that talk to everyone ..?


1) Deja Vu:

- Sometimes a situation passes and feels that you have previously passed like you to travel for a place for the first time in your life and enter a restaurant with your friends and sit at the table and take your dinner while discussing a topic and suddenly without introductions. You feel that you have passed this moment (with everything in it).

2) DOP phenomenon:

- This phenomenon is known for the disappearance of the purposes and then its return suddenly ..!
- It always happens with us that we notice the disappearance of a sudden and strange purpose and the person is making every effort to search for the lost purpose here and there and after a short time the person is surprised by the finding of the missing purpose and if he returns to his place where he usually kept or he returned to a known place that was from It is assumed that the relevant research attempts to find it were.

3) Incubus:

Have you ever felt asleep that you are unable to move? Or you had frightening hallucinations, in which you felt that you were awake but you could not move ..?
- Many explain it as a paralysis that occurs during sleep, due to our awakening in the fast eye movement, while the muscle relaxation mechanism has not yet stopped, causing this vigilance paralysis that lasts for seconds or for several minutes.

4) Lucid Dream:

- Sometimes you dream that you feel that this dream is like a perceived reality, meaning that you know within the dream that you dream and therefore you can act consciously as we act in vigilance, and you can make the nightmare a funny dream, for example, in what is known as controlling the dream and many have become mastered this now.
• Has such phenomena happened to you before?


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