Would you like to watch your dream like a movie?

Would you like to watch your dream like a movie?

Researchers in Japan have developed a device that can record dreams with the help of artificial intelligence
  He can record and replay dreams as if they were movies.

The technology uses a combination of MRI and EEG scanners, and the AI-generated videos achieve 60% accuracy in matching dream images.

While the invention has generated excitement, it has also raised concerns about the privacy and implications of such technology.

According to the yourtango website, scientists in Japan have developed a device capable of recording and retrieving dreams, allowing individuals to watch their dreams as if they were watching a movie. This technology, developed by scientists in Kyoto, Japan, is designed to capture a person's dreams and replay them like a movie. The researchers started this idea from the premise The human brain shows predictable patterns in response to different visual stimuli.

To test this device, scientists used a combination of a modified MRI scanning device and an electroencephalogram (EEG) scanning device. Three participants were selected for the study, each of whom slept in the MRI scanning device at intervals of 3 hours over a period of 10 days. The EEG scanning device was able to sense precise electrical signals during... Sleep: Scientists adjusted the MRI scanner to take images at different stages of participants' sleep, focusing on the early stages of sleep.

After entering the first stage of REM sleep, the scientists woke the participants and asked them to describe their dreams. This was repeated about 200 times. The researchers then showed the participants images from the Internet that resembled the description of their dreams while they were still in the scanner, but this time they were awake.


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