11 feelings that a person feels but cannot explain or explain to others.
1- Jouska:
An imaginary conversation that you keep playing out in your mind.
2- Mauerbauertraurigkeit:
The unexplained desire to keep everyone away from you, even your friends and loved ones.
3- Exulansis:
Losing the desire to talk about something about you or an experience you had because those around you cannot understand you.
4- Liberosis:
Wanting to stop caring about things.
5- Sonder:
The sudden realization that every passerby in front of you has a life of his own, as complex as yours.
6- Opia:
The vague feeling of excitement when looking into someone's eyes, making you feel nervous, hostile and vulnerable all at once.
7- Kenopsia:
The strange, miserable atmosphere you feel when entering a place that used to be full of people but is now quiet and deserted.
8- Kuebiko:
Feeling tired and exhausted due to imperceptible and psychological abuse from those around you or from yourself.
9- Nodus Tollens:
Realizing that your life and its plot no longer mean anything anymore and have become incomprehensible to you.
10- Altschmerz:
Exhaustion because of your flaws that you have always had and have been fighting for years.
11- Monachopsis:
A constant but unnoticeable feeling of not being in the right place.
- If you don't feel them, you're fine.