Angel Caught On Camera Flying & Spotted In SPACE !!

Angel Caught On Camera Flying & Spotted In SPACE !!


Specifically on July 12, 1984 AD astronauts, Oij Atov, Leonid Kazem, and Vladimir Soloviof, entered their 156th day on the Russian Space Research Station, in the middle of their 237 days mission until this moment, everything was going according to the plan but on this particular day.

An unusual event, and while astronauts were carrying out their routine tasks, they noticed a strange orange glow surrounding the spacecraft in the beginning, they suspected the presence of gas leak Their eyesight, what they saw, left them unable to speak and through the gates of the spacecraft, they noticed seven huge winged creatures, each of which reaches 80 feet, and they have glowing auras. 


These angelic figures traveled next to the spacecraft for ten minutes. The astronauts were surprised by the scene, and they described the creatures in detail Upon their return, the officials denied the incident as a collective hallucination, and they attributed it to the deprivation of oxygen and pressure fluctuations. However, later in that summer, three other astronauts joined the Salut 7 crew. All of these astronauts can share the same hallucinations? It seems unlikely everything they witnessed was real, but what was it? Angels, aliens? Repeating the winged characters in the history of mankind, religion, culture, and myths indicates that we may deal with an extraordinary thing. Can these "angels" be entities outside the earth? The theorists of the ancient astronauts argue that the winged shapes saw by the Salut 7 crew were really mysterious supernatural creatures. 


Similar scenes were secretly recorded by other Russian astronauts. Hide parts of their duties associated with national security, including the capabilities of the over -intermediaries ballistic missiles, even if they witnessed something strange, they were hesitating to talk about it public Some of the Soviet and Russian astronauts about very strange experiences in space, I say, and God knows their sincerity? !!

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