10 famous homes designed to meet the end of the world !!


Homes to face earthquakes, floods, nuclear wars, zombie too! Despite the differing religions and beliefs about the world, but the majority believe in the end of the world and because of this belief, some discharged envision and has to work on a fortified to face any natural disaster or abnormal may occur on the day of the houses, between houses to survive the attack of zombies, and escape from earthquakes, hurricanes, you know us for safer homes around the world.

1 home security home carefully designed, walls can be moved to ensure that the exit lights and noise away, and that access to the building requires crossing a drawbridge where the population controls, which means that any possible attack from the cannibal will face intelligently and without any potential losses, also owns the house inside many of the luxuries as the pool and the presence of stunning natural scenery surrounding the house from every direction.


2 yobork home the house is located in a remote area, where he resides on one of the southern coast Islands for "Iceland", the house received a cable of thanks from the government, "Iceland" to put the state's name on the map, but residents of the area were outraged by this act, did not accept the gift, because they consider themselves independent area.

3 Dunbar Rock home located at sea, featuring 6 rooms, each room has its own balcony, bathroom also, the house located at an altitude of 30 feet from the reefs in the region, the people, which means stay away from any potential problems, and a lot of fish, of course,


 4 Building meandering in Japan has been building the main structure of the building 156 feet long in the period from 1941 to 1943 and continued the process of construction for 21 years to be fully stopped in 1961, where there are valid for living above a stone, and with a lower floors are completely free.


5 St. Lawrence Island, a small island located in the middle of the scale, "Lawrence" River and away from land, a distance sufficient to prevent the arrival of cannibal or predators to you under any circumstances.


6 home cave in Festus build this home energy-efficient area of 15,000 square feet inside the cave of sandstone in Festus, Missouri, is characterized by a unique design of the walls of sandstone, and includes a central thermal heating system.


7 Malator in Druidstone, and not
The description of this home is currently one of the masterpieces of Wales architectural according to its Web site, featuring a glass roof and door entry is phenomenal and simple design where only contains multiple colors and a single room, while the external interface it is a slab of glass mixture with the dazzling nature of the stock may Do not see anywhere


8 hidden home in Lower Silesia, Poland This house was designed underground in Poland by KWK Promes nor the alleyway outside world only wooden ladder from the outside it seems like the entrance to the caves of World War One.


9, the lower house in Cumbria, England, building a house on the excavation site of an ancient, consists of two floors down the ground and is one of the creations of the architect, "John Bodger," which was built specially for both Phil and Helen Reddy.


10 Sedum house in north Norfolk coast, United Kingdom. Was built this house in the foundation to achieve maximum exposure to the sun, and although the house was built underground, but it is still a friend of the environment and easy access heat and cold to him, also benefit from the rain in harvest system has future homes all be this way.

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