Discover the secret of moving rocks in Death Valley for the first time

الصخور المتحركة في وادي الموت

Playa is home to a strange phenomena in the valley of death in America. Where moving a group of rock that weighs the equivalent of 320 kg dry lake Playa for no apparent reason in order to make these rocks hundreds of kilometers move leaving behind traces of movement on the dry sand

What is this extraordinary power that drives all of these weights? So blindness answer this question since 1940, but without definitive answer yet when research was published in the journal PLOS ONE on August 27, where he was commander of the research is to Nuriz and Richard, who works at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego

The main problem in this phenomenon that scientists can not NOTE personally movement or with their own eyes they need to contracts to the full movement of the rocks look like so they decided to start in 2011 a project to put in the area range from monitoring stations and weather monitoring high-resolution cameras to measure the phenomena in this region about the nearly 15 Rock until publication of Ralph Orezn world at Johns Hopkins University found that this experience the most boring in the world where they look to standards and screens at length without anything noteworthy

الصخور المتحركة في وادي الموت

The main problem in this phenomenon that scientists can not NOTE personally movement or with their own eyes they need to contracts to the full movement of the rocks look like so they decided to start in 2011 a project to put in the area range from monitoring stations and weather monitoring high-resolution cameras to measure the phenomena in this region about the nearly 15 Rock until publication of Ralph Orezn world at Johns Hopkins University found that this experience the most boring in the world where they look to standards and screens at length without anything noteworthy

Moving rocks in Death Valley
But in December 2013 Nuriz move and help his cousin Jim Nuriz towards the valley of death and when the team arrived and found the lake Playa covered with water depth of 7 cm immediately after the rock began to move, "you must keep in mind that this experience was seen eye for the first time."
From observation and experience in the region found that the mysterious rock depends on the movement of a set of events:
1. Lake Playa filled with water, which is an appropriate depth of the ice during the cold winter nights cold - the temperature in winter in this region up to below zero at night and to higher than 50 degrees Nhara- but also shallow enough to show rocks

2. On the night freezes water in the lake is composed of a thin layer of ice so that they are very high in order to lift the rocks and thick to withstand movement
3. Then sunny days begin and that lead to the melting of ice in misfortunes and wind to move the rocks above the ice easily, which have an impact on the ground

Jim Norenz is that the ice has begun to melt and turn in the December 21, 2013 in the afternoon updated sound all over the place
These observations during the high winds of Hurricane, which led to the rocks above the ice move led to the rocks move quickly from 2 to 6 meters per second over the ice thickness of between 3 to 5 millimeters, making clear the movement for the team

الصخور المتحركة في وادي الموت

After this visit, which has made a request to differentiate achievement of a group of volunteers to go to the area and monitor the phenomena with more sophisticated to explain other phenomena conclusively

الصخور المتحركة في وادي الموتالصخور المتحركة في وادي الموت


#Discover the secret of moving rocks in Death Valley for the first time

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