Live in cities adjacent months Parks in the world

Wildlife in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania
Since the establishment of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 in the United States, many protected areas in the world have saved vast tracts of land from urban development, and welcomed visitors from all corners of the globe.
But traffic General Bmtenshat is quite different from living near or on the edge. We've talked to people who live in cities and towns adjacent to five of the most famous public parks in the world, according to "US News and World Report" and the network "CNN" rating to identify the nature of life in which they live, and scenic nature charming that look from their windows.
Grand Canyon National Park - the city of Sedona, United States
People living in this small city, Sedona, located in the state of Arizona about 100 miles south of the Grand Canyon is famous for them as saying that "The Lord is making the Grand Canyon, but he lives in Sedona."

In addition, the city is located near the six parks, many national monuments, making it "a great destination for lovers of nature and the supporters," according to Jennifer and Asilaov, President of the Chamber of Commerce, which moved to Sedona coming from Switzerland 15 years ago.
And Sedona as well as attract the attention of those interested in physical therapy and spiritual sports, and Asilaov says: "This area is famous for its kinetic energy centers (to activate the body), and that can have a profound impact on human beings."
Asilaov says: "These people are telling stemming from the red rocks of energy to walk, ride bikes, jeeps, or just the body's absorption of this type of potential energy and exposure to them." That is why locals seem happy, as she put it.
People go to West Sedona because of the many parks in the city, but this atmosphere of relaxation and recuperation does not come cheaply; The cost of living is higher by about 40 percent from its counterpart in the state capital, Phoenix, and about 15 ten percent of Flagstaff, the nearest town from them.

Serengeti National Park - the city of Arusha, Tanzania
Although the safari in the Serengeti attract visitors to the city of Arusha, inhabitants of this medium-sized Tanzanian city are proud that they live near wildlife distinct, picturesque scenery, unique topography in Mtnzhi "Tarangire National", and "National Ngorongoro."

But Arusha much more than just a tourist destination, says the British expatriate Jason Barry, who spent the last four years in Arusha during his work with the company "colors to Odjiz Land Campus."
Jason says, "the main streets and backstreets packed for workshop, and the houses of craftsmen, furniture makers, and Ktati banners, and tailors. It is possible to find as you walk within 200 yards of fit you your car, or weaves you Bzh, or make you a coffin."
Locals tend to relax, and even though you feel the friendliness in that city, but the character coarsely reminds you of the West bustling printing, says Kent Reding, the founder of the company "Africa Adventure Konsaltant" who moved to Arusha from the United States three years ago.
Crimes associated with violence are rare here, but residents are afraid of street crimes that fall from time to time, and Ithspon her, as he put it.

Machu Bycho- city of Cuzco, Peru

While Machu Picchu known as one of the architectural wonders more than being one of the wonders of nature, but it is classified as one of the largest public parks, most notably, given the classified nature reserve historical in Peru, and because she is a rain forest on the eastern slope of the Andes.
The city of Cuzco, which is located 75 kilometers south-east of Machu Picchu distance, a natural shelter persons traveling to the place without interruption to the hordes.
Anna says Dorfman, an American who lived in Cuzco in 2014, writes in her blog about flights, which bears the name of "The Adventures of Anna abroad", he said that the city of Cuzco never sleeps, like New York City.
The constant flow of tourists make the nightlife characterized Backb and vitality. I can spend the evening eating in one of the most poultry shops "Buliraa", or eat cheap drinks at the cafe "Maathologi", or practicing dance Salsa Casino in the "Mama Africa" ​​until sunrise.
At a time when the teeming streets and open markets movement and have fun, to be on the population to adapt to the "timing of Peru", especially when it comes to eating at a restaurant, or purchase drugs from the pharmacy.
Peru and the timing means that most people follow their own table. Compared to the United States, it can be described as services in Peru has been slow, but once unleash your expectations, and up to the city, it becomes a matter of relaxing fun there.
The "Barrio de San Blas" a society literally, but it is more expensive than other nearby destinations. As is the case with many cities; the closer to the city center or the center of the country, rental prices rose.
The mixture that combines its Cuzco between the old architecture and modernity of more features that attract people to it, and this mixture clearly shows in the surrounding churches in "Plaza de Armas".

Banff National Park - Banff City, Canada

Banff town, unlike other cities in this list, within the boundaries of Banff National Park. And that people can dwell within that same park, provided there is good reason for that, you could not live here unless you work in that place, says Sarah Brokeng, director of the tour company "Tok" Travel and Tourism.
It aims residency requirement and this work to prevent excessive random construction on the part of those who spend their weekends, or the establishment of Homes for Holidays, in the words of Sarah.
As a result, live a lot of the locals, including Brokeng, in Canmore town, which lies outside the boundaries of the park immediately, and within 26 kilometers from the town of Banff itself.
But whether you're in Banff or Canmore, the vast spaces in the neighborhood make wildlife a part of everyday life. Here Brooking says jokingly: "We are used to avoid waste completely avoid the antelope as remnants of dogs."
Although the site occupied by the Banff small area, they are less than five square kilometers, it is characterized by the global nature of the composition.
Says Julia Ovekshao, director of marketing in the company "CH M Samar Odvencrz": "In any particular day, I can hear five different languages ​​in the vicinity of no more than two blocks, and this is may be normal in a city like London, but here in the Canadian Rockies which represents the nature reserve Vhz is surprising. "

Kirengwrmz home: Opardan, Scotland Park

No longer Opardan, which is located just 55 kilometers from the largest public park in Britain, the port only to the Scottish Highlands, but also the third largest city in Scotland.
The site provides excellent access to a unique natural tourist places that people accept it, is also available which means urban comfort.
Lauren Pabuk, an American who lived in the city for almost a year, and write about their experiences in exile in her blog as "Dogs of haute says to Alhags" (and Alhags is a famous Scottish food is made from the heart and liver of sheep).
You can drive your car for a distance of ten minutes in any direction, and you find yourself in the countryside, where surround you a lot of lanes, roads, forests, and landscapes. "
The city recently ranked as one of the three happiest cities in Britain, and the happiest people are the residents of the rest of Scotland. Some thanks to the oil and gas industry booming, making low unemployment, but its location at the North Sea, just 35 miles from the national park helps a lot in promoting the spirit of happiness there.
There is no doubt that the existence of a thriving oil industry and universities also means that many of the expatriates describe the city's homeland, which makes the meet with others of their own people something affordable.
The people Opardan well-known for a long time Daiqam up with the English visitors, but even expatriate Englishmen do not agree with this statement, which does not guide them, but does not mention the number of people who are haunted Opardan this feeling. Pabuk here and says: "Opardan have a bad reputation, but there is no evidence of it."
While a lot of people live in the suburbs, and they go daily to the center of the city, a growing number chose to live in built of granite, which belong to the nineteenth century buildings in the city center, hence dubbed "Granite City".
The eastern side of the city next to the harbor fact, Vigzb population through the mix between buildings that take the form of cottages, modern buildings, and proximity to the beach.

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