Offer you in this article, translated from the code of the American traveler Matthew Carsten 0.30 tourist advice summarizes the experience of intensive tourism along the 3 years of nomadic and travel .. not popular proverb says, "Ask not ask fitter wise" ?!
Carsten says, "it passed me from three years to sell everything and I left the United States to start my tour around the world. I offer you the best travel tips discovered during roaming," Read the .. and knew!
1. Patience is the key discovery!
Do not tire yourself on the things that you can not control. Life is much too short to spend most of your time angry and upset. Do you miss the bus? Do not worry, another bus will come. There is no money at an ATM? Great! Go to the neighboring town on foot and discover the region. Sometimes you crazy may lose without any reason. Take a deep breath and remember that the worst did not happen.
2. name early, and early and Look how the trip will become ... I woke up with the sunrise and enjoy the best attractions on your own to avoid congestion. This timing is very enchanting to take pictures where the light is dimmed, and easier for you to interact with the locals. Mysterious regions are less serious in the morning hours. Aldaopon and honest people to work Astakizawn early while the brokers and criminals and crooks were sleeping.
3. Laugh, laugh your trip!
When you travel to new places it will look stupid sometimes. Instead of feeling embarrassed, Laugh at yourself. Do not be afraid of failures and scandals, and do not take life seriously. During one of my travels in a bus in Guatemala, Odgt all passengers when I had to stop the bus to urinate on the side of the road. When I returned to the bus and began to laugh at myself, I was able to get close to some Tsadegna all the way.
4. Money is your strength.
Cash is king in all parts of the world. To save yourself in an emergency, make sure you hid the money in different places. It is advisable to put aside some of the hundreds of dollars. If you lose your wallet, you will not be able to use a credit card, or if the ATM is empty of money, will delight the idea of the existence of an additional amount somewhere. Among the caches money my favorite socks, the bottom of the shoe, toiletry bag, a backpack frame and even sewn on the cloth placed on the back.
5. The son of a country in each country!
Try to avoid other travelers and took the initiative to talk to the locals. English traded all over the world to communicate with the local population will be easier than I thought, especially if your hand movements and body language used. Learn from the people who live in the country you are visiting. These persons will contribute to enriching the trip more than you think.
6. Put a handkerchief in your bag
I used to use Yashmagh Alsaron but also wonderful. Simple piece of cheesecloth This is one of the most effective travel accessories and you can use it in various ways. It's a great Hmt from sunlight, using temporary Kmnschwh or as a cover of the eye, where you can put your things and so on.
7. See the real people's lives
If I really wanted to feel the pulse of the place, I advise you to spend some time in the parks or in the corner of a crowded street to watch the daily life. You can reduce the speed of your thinking and attention to detail around you. Scents, colors, interaction between people, and sounds. It's a kind of meditation - and you'll see things that have not recognized under before.
8. reserve duty
When my laptop was stolen in Panama, documentary and My mission had been copied in advance. Keep copies of digital material and the passport, visa, driver's license, birth certificate, health insurance card, serial numbers and important phone numbers for use in emergencies. Copy all files and images on an external hard drive and on a computerized software such as .Backblaze
9. not imagine the importance of photography so Pictures Pictures Pictures.
You may see these places and meet these people once throughout your life. You can always Taatzlm through a lot of pictures. Do not bother to look "tourists". Do you travel to look remarkable attention? No one cares. Wonderful pictures is the last keepsake. Pictures are inexpensive, easy to share with others and does not occupies anywhere in your luggage. But after taking pictures to remember to look beyond the lentils to enjoy the scenery that you see.
10. Every problem has a solution
Nothing is impossible. If obstructed, you go somewhere or do a task, do not give up. Everything in that you did not find the optimal solution or did not meet the right person. Do not listen to those who tell you that it is impossible. Patience will benefit you.
11. smile and say hello
Is it difficult for you to deal with the local population? Does it seem to you those people who are not friendly? The problem may lie in your body language. One of my favorite travel advice is direct eye contact and smiling during the curfew. If Badlok smile, say hello to them in their local language as well. It's the fastest way to develop new friendships. You can not expect everyone to walk around with a stupid grin on their faces. This task. All you have to do is the initiative to communicate with others and then opening up.
| Learn how to say hello in 21 languages |
12. Do not be wasteful
I love the trips is costly because it gives me the possibility to travel longer and to learn more about the wonderful world in which we live rather than wasting money on things you do not need it. You may travel to several places for $ 30 per day without any problem. After a while you will get used to manage your affairs with little money. It's fun (and health) Review your budget from time to time. You can book a room in a nice hotel for a few days, eat in luxury restaurants or spend a night of madness in the city from time to time. a open mind
Do not judge the lives of others if the pattern differed from the lifestyle that followed. Listen to the views even if they are contrary to the opinions. The assumption that your views are correct and the opinions of others is false ego. Back to empathize with others put yourself in their place. Try a different possibilities to contain, opportunities, people, suggestions and concerns. Ask questions. It might surprise which could learn from others.
14. Password: "CouchSurfing" is an electronic a very wide range consisting of travelers who share their rooms and beds for free with strangers. If you want to really identify the country and to its population, accommodation with a local person is the best way. There are millions of amateur CS rubber around the world who will be happy to provide you with advice and Bastdavck. This method is fun and safe.
15. Give to take ...
During your travels, it is advisable to devote some time to volunteer in worthwhile projects. This experience will not be productive, but also will allow you to learn more about the country you are visiting and the local population, as well as develop new friendships. There is a wonderful site titled Grassroots Volunteering where you can search for the best volunteer opportunities around the world.
16. calm and tranquility
Avoid crying children, drunken Australians, barking dogs, honking horns, sex in hotels, sellers of natural gas and more. Earplugs are the dearest friends of the traveler. These stoppers are the best and most effective for me
17. Do not be afraid
The world seems scary because the media on this. Note of cases that seem suspicious to you but do not make them the center of your trip. Use logic and everything will be fine. The majority of people friendly, trustworthy, generous and willing to help. This applies to women as well. I'm not a woman, but I met a lot of women with rich travel experience and who Auaguenna opinion.
18. I put way premeditated and monitors
If you want to see the areas in which they live and work where the local population, you have had. The best way is to go there to walk without Alokdam- to know where you are going. Without the hotel's name on the paper to be able to ride a cab on your way, if necessary, and start to walk. Do not worry too much if entered dangerous neighborhoods, the General locals warn you before you go ahead.
19. eating local dishes
Do you think you tasted Moroccan food? You may be probably wrong. A little taste of everything during your travels, even if it were not learning what you taste it. It is advisable to consult the local population about the best foods. Eating food from street vendors and stalls, although I had to wait long. I was unwell healthy only twice during my travel. Do not be afraid of eating.
20. Yes Yes OF COURSE !
Be impulsive and answer is yes if the person invited you to meet his family, Ford discovered a new experience or a new place were not know about its existence before. These attitudes spontaneous and unexpected is the added value for your travels and subsequently become distinctive stories. Courtship accept others to you during your travels - there are many opportunities that allow you to this possibility.
21. Be a tourist turtle
Do not try to visit six different countries during 6 weeks. if I spent only one day in the city or town. All good things happen only when you allocate enough time to explore the area. When it gets to recognize activities is recorded in the Hitchhiker's Guide to persons and meet enthusiasts to pick you up to various parameters. I can assure you that distinctive travel experiences that I've had have never received in the first days after my arrival.
It is advisable to spend a lot of time in a couple of places to enjoy as much as possible.
22. Keep a ledger to record notes
My memory is bad. When I came out in my journey three years ago I did not keep notes and now I regret it. Information is not blogging about the names of the people I met, my talks, my feelings about the new experiences that I've had, the cities that I have visited odors. If you want someday to write about your travels, this information should be available.
23. get out of your comfort zone
Challenge yourself and try things that cause you stress General. Whenever it does, the tension will diminish gradually. Do not like to walk? Walking out on trips. Is it difficult for you to talk to strangers? Talk to everyone. Are you afraid of exotic foods? Eating foods that you find the strangest. Everything will be fine because during travel everything will look different to you, why not locked in additional different experience?
24. Do not over-planning
When readers ask about the number of days that must be spent in the state or a city Ototo my head because I do not know what they like and they will meet any people. I thought that I will be in Nicaragua for a week or two weeks, but I stayed there for 4 months. My advice is to choose a starting point, the effectiveness or two events Ajabbaratin and end point. Let the world determines the rest.
25. Do not pack a lot of purposes
You will not need to half the purposes for which you think you will use. We all do that. Method of preparation of luggage travelers have gradually improved. First my bag, which widened to 70 liters were filled until the last breath, the current capacity of 50 liter bag and I did not fill in for only two-thirds capacity. As I walk around all the time, I bring everything I have on my back. The were not sure about the purpose of what you intend to put it in the bag this means you do not need it. You can also buy the majority of needs of the country you are visiting there if you need it.
26. Listen to podcasts (Podcast)
Entries wonderful sound, like you make your broadcast and filled with special offers and music you want to listen to them always. I did not think that I will wait impatiently for travel on the bus for 10 hours. But with podcasts, it is possible (of course, if the seats were comfortable). Time will pass very quickly if heard oral stories, great music or interviews with experts. Here are some programmatic favorite This American Life, The Moth, RISK !, Radiolab, Blogcast FM, and Electro-Swing.
27. sound journey in a healthy body
Travel may adversely affect your body.
When we move from one place to another, it is difficult for us fitness exercise regularly, and what general neglect it. Sometimes we do not sleep well, or eat a lot of cakes. I admit not to floss my teeth cleaned. Remember that you treated your body gently. Take enough sleep, keep moisture your body, eat healthy foods, use a condom solar and train a lot. Dental floss cleaning also compulsory.
28. Keep communication
Remember that relate to family and friends from time to time. You can also surprise them by sending a postcard. Travel does not mean to be alone and away from others. Through travel and meet new people, but many of these relationships are fleeting. That is why it is important to maintain a strong link to the people who know you well.
29. Stay away from places "famous" tourist
I know it is a cliche, but with the idea that you can try. Look for unusual places and interesting and which are not frequented by tourists General. Many travel experiences that Sotzla always got in areas that were not readily available. Button famous places, but does not eliminate the idea of going to other sites only because it is not included in the tourist track. If the region is remote or dangerous this does not mean you necessarily will play experience change the course of your life.
30. traveled more
When I came back from traveling told me many people that I was lucky and took they are included in front of me the reasons that prevent them from traveling., Such as: travel is too expensive, we can not get out in time off from work, who will feed domestic animals?
In front of them when the proposed solutions to this "problem", I can not change their minds. Why? Because they are hiding behind the real reason: They are afraid. The majority of people who plan to travel on their own do not.
You are not obliged to sell all your possessions and become homeless like me. All you have to do is to travel more. Begin to spend the weekend in another country. And then go to the neighboring country and stay there for a week.
The new car, new design and an iPhone project, all these things are postponed. If I really wanted to travel more, you can achieve it. Out on leave from work as possible. You have friends who can take care of your animals. World awaits a large, beautiful, sexy and charming. Discovered a part of it now rather than delay.
Italy Tourism
ReplyDeleteنوافذ الشتر
استهلاك أقل للطاقة ومزيد من الهدوء وحلول تثري نمط الحياة وترفع أسلوب معيشتك في منزلك المعاصر والذكي إلى حدوده القصوى… مهما كان خيارك من نوافذ الشتر
المصنوعة من أجود أنواع الألومنيوم والمتوفرة بألوان متنوعة، فإن منزلك سيحظى بميزات عديدة في مختلف الأوقات، خاصة في ظل التقلبات الجوية التي يمتاز بها الخليج،
وموجات العواصف والغبار التي تعصف بالمدن والأرياف على حد سواء.
الخصوصية بحدودها القصوى
لمزيد من الخصوصية، يمكنك بسهولة تحديد مقدار ما يمكن رؤيته من الخارج، ما عليك سوى فتح وإغلاق نوافذ الشتر خاصتك بالمقدار الذي تريده في أي وقت، سواء كنت
تريد فتحها أو إغلاقها بالكامل أو تركها في مكان ما بينهما. وفي حال كنت تستخدم حلولنا للأتمتة والأنظمة الإلكترونية، ستتمكن من فعل ذلك دون حتى أن تكون موجودا في
الحماية من أشعة الشمس
لأشعة الشمس فوائدها الكثيرة ومضارها ومخاطرها أيضا في ذات الوقت، خاصة في أجواء كأجواء الخليج. يمكنك حماية عائلتك من هذه المضار الصحية بفتح وغلق ستائر
الشتر بمرونة تامة وفقا لمدى ارتفاع الشمس في السماء، سيمكنك ذلك أيضا من إبقاء أثاث منزلك وفراشه وحتى ديكوراته ودهاناته بعيدة عن تأثيرات الأشعة فوق البنفسجية،
والحفاظ عليها لأطول فترة ممكنة.
تخفيف الضوضاء
أنت تستحق أن تنعم بالهدوء والسكينة في منزلك، استرخ واحصل على نوم هادئ ليلا أو استمتع بأيامك دون أن تسمح للضوضاء في الخارج أن تزعجك أو تؤثر على تركيزك.
نوافذ الشتر التي نقدمها يمكن أن تقلل من الضجيج القادم من خارج المنزل بمقدار 10 ديسيبل.
تخفيض تكاليف الطاقة
كنتيجة لفعالية نوافذ الشتر من شركة الشتر الأول في عزل الحرارة والبرودة، يمكنك توفير ما قد يصل إلى 10? من الطاقة التي يستهلكها نظام التبريد/التدفئة الخاص بك. حيث
يتم الاحتفاظ بالحرارة غير المرغوب فيها خارج المبنى في الصيف، والعكس في فصل الشتاء، الأمر الذي يؤدي إلى تقليل تكاليف الطاقة التي يستهلكها منزلك.
اجعل ستائرك مقاومة للطقس
حلول نوافذ الشتر التي نقدمها ستساعد ستائر منزلك على البقاء لفترة أطول عبر حمايتها من الضرر الذي قد يسببه المطر أو البرد أو العواصف والغبار. ستائرك ستبدو على
أفضل شكل ممكن لأطول فترة ممكنة باستخدام ستائر الشتر.