This Indian village planted 111 tree whenever the girl was born. Read the details and told us what you going to do!

Every culture has its own traditions when a child is born. While we celebrate the birth of a girl by giving pink clothes and dolls (of course some declares mourning and celebrating!), People celebrated in Piplantri village, Rajasthan in India by planting 111 trees.

This is what is really happening! Every time a girl born in Piplantri, planting 111 trees to celebrate it! Here are the details of ifarasha.

In most Indian villages, the birth of the girl is historically a heavy burden on the family. Apply in these villages pay dowry traditions than those imposed on families, which includes Girls expensive when they got married. The girls in these communities lowest level of backpacker and often marry before the age of 18 years; and scarce ones who receive appropriate education.

Violence against women, resulting from these situations of violence is a modern time in India. It was preventing the documentary "India's Daughters" in India because it finally shows in detail the rape and abuse incidents in the country.

In the vicinity of this, it seems the tradition of planting trees to celebrate the birth of a child in the village of Piplantri a complete rejection of this historic restrictions, and an encouragement to hope that these changing attitudes toward women.

This amazing tradition was founded by the leader of the Old village named Shyam Sundar Paliwal to commemorate his daughter, who died young. Although he is no longer the leader of the village, tradition was still going on and did not stop.

When generate girl, contributing members of the village in the establishment of "fund" of the girl. Parents contributes one-third of the amount of 31,000 rupees, the equivalent of about $ 500, and the amount put aside for a period of 20 years as a grant to the girl. This ensures that not considered a heavy burden on the family.

In return for this grant, parents sign a pledge stating that the girl does not marry before the age of eighteen and to receive a decent education. Pledge also states that parents must take care of the 111 tree.

It's a very clever ploy, but the re-planting of trees with the birth of every girl makes the local environment always able to support the population growth.
Become trees in this village, a symbol of female children and villagers make a great effort to protect these trees from worms and insects, to close this plant aloe vera plant, to protect girls from the difficulties of life.
When we see the intimate link between social and environmental health in the village, we discover that this tradition creating a very stable future for the members of the community.

In the last six years, a quarter of a million tree planting in Piplantri. Villagers consider that this tradition has led to the low crime rate in their community. Without that we are talking of course about the renewed love for the young girls.

When we see the link between social problems and try to find environmental assets, we can create a unique and amazing solutions to the problems of modern life. If you think that something like a small implant will not be able to change the world, remember that this implant would grow into a big tree one day.

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