Why receives flight attendants on the door of the plane? Learn the hidden reasons

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Many believe that the reception hostesses flight for passengers and direct them to their seats on the plane is one of the welcome and hospitality door, but there is another more important reason for the airlines.
Hostesses flight Mkhaddrmat revealed that the reception of the passengers who board on the plane, aims as well to welcome them to conduct a rapid assessment of each passenger within a few seconds, and make sure that none of them will not cause the occurrence of a problem on the plane, when you are at an altitude of 35 thousand feet from the ground.

Says Gaia Berigino (25 years) that airlines are trying to feel welcome passengers on board the aircraft, and create the impression that they have a special crew friendly and hospitable and can be trusted Bovradh.
But Gaia is trying to analyze the personality of each passenger, when the scan boarding passes on the plane and exchange pleasantries with passengers, and trying to confirm if any of them in the event of illness or sugar, or if the place in a bad mood, and whether it can be relied upon in an emergency.

It adds Gaia: "If the passenger drunk we do not want to be on the plane, there is a high probability to cause problems during the flight, and if the passenger showed a hostile attitude towards the crew, this problem must be treated before the plane took off, although this is rare it Usually".

Flight attendants also monitors whether the passenger is suffering from an injury or physical disability that makes it difficult for him to sit in certain places of the plane, and make sure there is a passenger or crew member is able to assist in the event that the passenger for any emergency.

Hostesses Aviation of negative aspects to the passenger control is not limited, but trying to determine which passengers decent physically and has a strong structure, can provide assistance, in the event that the plane attack or attempted kidnapping, or in the event of a passenger showed aggressive behavior and requests to control and restrict aboard it

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