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Perhaps a lot of users, especially on social networking sites Whether it Facebook or Instagram and others find it difficult to choose between the most attractive pictures in order filed on these sites, and it is what made the American scientists are developing a new algorithm enables users ever online see more pictures attractive and that will leave the imprint users have.

Scientists from the "Computer Science and the Department of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory" of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new algorithm is able to distinguish between more images Alselva attractive to users and thus choose the best to put it on his accounts on social networking sites, where they adopted the artificial intelligence applications through database consisting of 60,000 an image that was piloted by nearly 5,000 people.

The new algorithm depending on the location "Techcrunch" allow analysis of the image in depth through a special index from 0 to 1, and in the case of achieving the user's photo to a point beyond the 0.5 it means that 50 percent of users who will see his image gravitate to it and Satzkronha for 100 seconds after the Show The original picture.
In addition, the image is evaluated the results between "low" and "high" and "very high", and the scientists to integrate this algorithm in a special site allows users to experiment with their images and the best ones evaluation of selected and put it on social networking sites, and the experts are preparing to launch a similar application of a special mobile devices.
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