Pictures: Beware of using your hands movements while traveling

بالصور: أحذر من استخدام حركات اليدين خلال سفرك

Hand movements can indicate a variety of feelings and emotions, including happiness, love and peace, agreement and others.

However, some of the movements to condemn the adoption of a country as a positive thing can be the same as this degrading movements in another country, so it is best to be careful not to use such movements in some countries.


Before your visit to the Philippines, you have to take the necessary precautions for the lack of reference to one of there with your finger in this way, because people are using this reference in their country to call their dogs.

Peace sign with the palm of the hand to the inside

If you want to make your hand the peace movement when you visit any of these countries (Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand), you should be sure to be the palm of your hand to the outside, and that the movement of the hand refers to the letter V. Contrary to this, people may think you're headed insult them.

Signal stand

Put your hand in this way for a people in Greece, it is possible to expose it to fall into problems. As if this signal is derogatory gesture dating back to the Byzantine eras time, when criminals were punished there by throwing faeces or coal by passers-by in the street.

Ok hand signal

If you want to point to one of this signal as an indication that things are going well, you have to avoid in Turkey, Venezuela, and Brazil, as it is an offensive gesture. In France they deem it means the person has no value.

Congratulations on the head

In some countries considered as a reference guide to the affection, but in Thailand, the Buddhists believe that Cape sacred place, because the Spirit there doing.

Raising the thumb

As shown in a lot of social networking sites, this symbol indicates approval or admiration, but in countries like Iran, Greece, Afghanistan, and some parts of Italy, they see that this code refers to the insult.

Pointing to the taxi with the palm of the hand to the top

Never attempt to stop a taxi or waving to someone in South Korea in this way (palm of the hand against him directly). In this way the Koreans call their dogs. The correct way is to move your hand up and down vertically and the palm down.

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