The death of boxing legend Muhammad Ali on Saturday June 4, after suffering with the disease, at the age of 74 years.

According to the channel "NBC" on Saturday following the announcement of his death, he will be bidding farewell to the body of Clay in his hometown in Kentucky.

It was Muhammad Ali was transferred to the hospital on Thursday, June 2, after suffering from shortness of breath and his deteriorating health, and the development of intensive care since then.

Muhammad Ali of Sporting months at the level of history, where three times he won the world heavyweight, and was given the title "Athlete of the Century" in 1999.

Clay retired from boxing in 1981, and he was 39, and converted to Islam in 1965 after beating boxer Sonny Liston and grab the throne of boxing him, and changed his name from Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. to Muhammad Ali.

On this sad occasion, TravelAndLook  Blog sending condolences to the family of Muhammad Ali and the world for the loss of this legend .

"A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. "

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