Pictures .. very rare case of the baby dragon birth

بالصور..  حالة نادرة جدا لولادة الطفل التنين

For the first time over this century of time, and in extremely rare incident, he was born in a cave Postojna karst caves in Slovenia, the first baby dragon (baby Dragon), according to announced the Slovenian Tourist Board, in the news of his transfer Arabiya Net.

Little Light of the egg called the object was sighted (salamander) and located within the aquarium and a special secluded inside the cave.

In detail, this phenomenon began when individual Note guides weird indicators for the first egg in Postojna cave at the end of the month of January 2016, and immediately informed the specialists, scientists, for their part, work to maximize the chance of success of this experiment.

Recall that in 2013, researchers were able to Afaqas egg, but at the time the operation did not succeed, and in a different way this time, scientists have sought to deal with the fertilized egg carefully patrol and surveillance, to witness the growth of salamander to an organism after four months, it then goes positively, to embrace Slovenia this historic event that repeats once before throughout history.

People saw for the first time in the seventeenth century

And know that the blind salamander with foreign gills (OLMS), lived in caves for millions of years, where people saw for the first time in the seventeenth century.

The salamander or sometimes called volatile species of vertebrates, live underground. It also can not live only in the dark because the skin contains no protective pigment, also painted a light pink due to the nature of the capillaries in the parts of his body.

The limits of the 100 years, his life is very slow-old up and has a mythological a related myths properties due to loss of appetite, where it can survive for up to ten years without food, the blind do not see with his own eyes, and feel what is going on around him changes in his surroundings through electromagnetic energy waves, which he enjoys.

The little dragon lives clean water, and it appears as if his body is contaminated inside.

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