A new App gives you $ 10 and more for each photo and video of your city or in your travels, using your phone

Who among us does not want to achieve a respectable internet income by carrying out simple tasks, of course, does not exist among us who reject the matter is that he had the opportunity, so today Artiana explain a simple and great way to profit from the Internet, which rely solely on them taking a range of images and videos of your city.

It shall be noted by the application and explain the mechanism of his work that he is available for Android and My Devices
IOS together and you will find the application links on each bottom entry system, and now, to explain the method of registration in the application, of course, The way the registry is very easy and does not need to explain what just Registration on the official website of the application findyr by entering your personal information from Aamaal and Password and then pull the registration in order to get our membership, we then enter the application via our phone information on our membership in his official website (email and password)

Now, immediately after logged in to the application, you will notice that he showed you a map of your city or your area, you will notice now spots in orange, which is about services or offers can be performed by simply pressing them where required the review, but suppose, for example, that there is a festival in Tangier Valttbaiq ask you to do Bokhadd image or a video of the festival for $ 10 paid to you via paypal or the wester union

That you do not see any spot in orange, know that he does not exist any display in your area, and this is out of the question and you open the application every day, if you live in a semi-remote areas will not find offers, but if you live in a prosperous economic zone, you will find a lot, but suppose, for example, for Moroccans you are living in the house Awhitar or Tangiers or Rabat or any of the big cities, you may find many offers, unlike the people who live in the villages, and that you can check out nearby cities offers you that you live in a semi-remote area or a small town and move to these cities Wakhed what you ask of photos and videos of course, that the price was so high, knowing that the minimum for each video or image is $ 10, and its value could rise to $ 100, the minimum withdrawal is $ 20 to paypal.

App for Android devices link


App for the devices IOS link


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