The very best summer music festivals in the world

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية

Can not argue about that summer is a period best suited for travel and recreation around the world, but the most spectacular is to take advantage of this period to spend an unforgettable experience, combining sun and sea waves and watch a bunch of artists question directly but consecutive days, yes ... I mean attending festivals, but it is not any festivals, I'm here talking about the best summer music festivals in the world, and that you will learn in this article at the beginning, advantages and duration of time.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - ROCKSILDE

Location: Roskilde, Denmark

Since it was founded in 1971 by two students Danish, this festival began attracting artists and the public more and more year after year, to be one of the most important festivals in the world and in Europe in particular has become, where receives this festival large crowds from all over the old continent besides Australia also, traveling to Denmark to see the huge number of artists coming from all over the world and the more than three years in 2013 thousands!

You can learn more about the participants in the festival, artists and book your ticket if you want to also Through its website.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - SPLENDOUR IN THE GRASS

Location: New South Wales, Australia

It is true that this festival is classified within the summer festivals box, but the reality is that this period coincided winter in Australia, but in spite of the cold weather, this festival attracts a large audience from all over the world.

This festival was first held in 2001, as a group celebrations of the one-day only, and the idea behind the organization is that this festival becomes a technical event through which the reception of the winter in Australia, but the evolution in its second year of a two-day period, then the longer the duration, to settle in three days since 2014, to become the largest winter festival in Australia with a capacity of up to 30 thousand spectators.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - EXIT

Location: Novi Sad, Serbia

The choice of this festival is the best festival in Europe and among the top 40 festivals a European in 2007, has been organizing the first time by three students at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia in 2000, which lasted for 100 days since the beginning of the summer and up to a few days before the federal election in a month September, which preceded the so-called fifth revolution of October Serbian, where it was the festival of alternative and peaceful means to demonstrate for freedom and democracy and political expression against the ousted president, "Slobodan Milosevic" who overthrew him mentioned revolutionary regime, it has been known this festival in its first -nzera for sensitivity The goal, which was held from Ogelh- post only local artists and bands.

Currently the festival period not exceeding four days, during which receives large crowds move to Serbia to watch singers (or difference) of their favorite, which span across six different platforms each with its own kind of music along with a special dance theater, which makes this festival is valid for different tastes.

This festival is held permanently in the ancient Petrovaradin Castle, which dates back to the rebuilt seventeenth century.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - Osheaga

Location: Montreal, Canada

Knew this festival its first session in 2006 to know the great success very quickly and it becomes the most important summer festival in Canada, has maintained a high stature over the past ten years has attracted last year's audience exceeded the number is 120 thousand spectators who came to watch more than 100 band disbanded on 5 platforms: "green platform," "river platform," "mountain platform", a platform of trees, "and" picnic area for electronic music, "these theaters called by these names because the whole festival is held in a natural area and is John Drabo green Park and along the superiority of distance 200 hectares.

It is characterized by the festival, which lasts for three days of being a meeting point every year to discover the local and national talent and give them a chance to share the stage platform with a set of the most famous international artists and the best of them.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - LOLLAPALOOZA

Location: Chicago, United States

Festival specializes mainly rock and metal and hip-hop and electronic music, marks this year's twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation, in this musical event three major versions, the American version which is the original version, and the two versions of Brazilian and European, which Arafta Antlaguetehma in 2011 and 2014, respectively, because of the huge success of a version America, this festival is characterized by the absence of his Thabet site, but also the residence of the festival with each new cycle changes, and return exotic festival label to the ancient language spoken by the Americans during the nineteenth century and means "unique or something unusual."

The festival for between two and three days, during which attracts (the American version), more than 160 thousand spectators, and a bouquet of the most famous international artists.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - SONAR

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Special festival of electronic music is held annually at the beginning of June for Thelalh days, was organized first time in 1994 attracted during which six thousand people, a rapidly expanding later becomes one of the most important and biggest music festivals of its kind in the world in general and Europe in particular, with a capacity equal to 122 thousand spectators.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - ROCK AL PARQUE

Location: Bogota, Colombia

The largest rock festival in Colombia, and one of the most important and the largest music festivals in Latin America, and is the only festival in this list, which you can attend free of charge.

The festival lasts for three days, during which receives more than 400 thousand spectators, but for rock bands that are involved in it ... the festival mainly focuses on the difference Latin without the other, but it is every year calls for a very limited number of international teams or "foreign" for South America, which the declaration of their names on its official website.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - DOUR

Location: The Role, Belgium

Noon Festival DOUR presence the first time in 1989, and evolved slowly begins to attract fans from all over the world (especially from other European countries, America and Australia) and in excess of 200 thousand spectators, has been able to this festival that gets the title of "Best European Festival" the year 2010 outperforming other European festivals, much larger and more expensive.

This festival is held annually during the third week of July and lasts for five days and receives more than 200 band and artists come from more than 20 different nationalities.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - SZIGET

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Fantastic Fit Festival for all musical tastes, it's jazz through Balrok and metal through to techno, there is no music type you will not find in this artistic event which does not stop the echoes of the music throughout the entire week, more than 50 concert and 200 entertainment program on a daily basis. In addition to successive concerts, the festival offers other alternatives such as presentations and theatrical Proms and offers entertainment circus.

He knew its first festival in 1993, and later became polarized during the annual schedule of the second -alosbua month Gsht- more than 400 thousand spectators from more than 70 countries of the world, have been able to turn the nail the title of best European festival in 2014, and ranks fourth among the best European festivals favorite for artists around the world.

مهرجانات موسيقية صيفية - Summerfest

Location: Milwaukee, WI, United States of America.

The biggest summer music festival in the world audience of up to 900 thousand viewers each year, a record total for the festival in 1999 in the Guinness Book of Records was not able any other festival of breaking it yet.

This festival usually begins in late June to early July and lasts for 11 days, during which receives more than 700 artists and band spread over 11 platform, and will be held in the city, dubbed as the "celebrations" to a large number of artistic and cultural events that regulate them throughout the year.

The festival has been known his debut in 1968 at the hands of the mayor of the city, which was inspired by the idea after attending Oktoberfest German Festival, the festival has been named as the "Milwaukee International Film Festival" at first before they can be changed later to the current name.

This is the most important summer music festivals in the world, where a group of the most important artists in each year involved, what is more Taatmnon attending the festival? Will you come one day music festival? Join us your opinion in the comments.

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