The best electronic music festivals in the world

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We will see together through this article on the best electronic music festivals in the world that specializes in this kind of distinctive and enthusiastic music:

افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - tomorrowland

Location: Boom, Belgium

Winning seven awards global best Festival, Tomouruland is considered one of the biggest and best musical events of its kind in Europe and in the world, with a capacity of up to 185 thousand people devoted half exclusively to citizens Belgians, while the other festival half meant coming from more than 75 different countries after it was at its first session in 2005, he can not receive more than ten thousand spectators.

The festival receives more than three hundred and fifty DJs from around the world, Mtozein on sixteen different platform over three days annually.

It is interesting facts about this festival, we find that all out screening sold within a period of only one hour after the launch of a maximum, and sometimes within a period much shorter, though this indicates anything, it certainly shows that the presence of this annual musical event is not an unusual experience, it beats the world's best festivals to give Qasidih exceptional experience almost as fanciful and a ticket to enter the "World of wonders" in every sense of the word.

It should be noted that the two versions of the festival came up Ochritan presence after the success of the original version, namely the American version, which was launched in 2013 under the name TomorrowWorld, the Brazilian version, which was launched in 2015.

Ultra Music Festival
افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - ultra

Location: Mobile Festival around the world

From South Korea to South Africa, through Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Singapore and other countries other in 2016, this festival is characterized as a sack festivals around the world and does not have fixed positions held where, so his fans waiting every year the announcement of countries which will pass them to join him on a world tour, which facilitated the festival via its by providing the possibility to book plane tickets and book hotels that are located in the area where the festival will be held.

As for the non-interested to travel around the world or who do not have the potential to do so, they are waiting for the announcement of the places in the hope that the festival passes at home to enjoy three days of magic before leaving to the next destination.

However, the "Ultra" Festival often kicks off in March from the place where the first time in 1999, none of the city of Miami, USA afternoon.

افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - Creamfields

Location: Daresbury, UK

We turn to another festival beats the previous festival in terms of magnitude and in terms of the number of countries that passed through and that number fell to 17 different countries around the world, despite being launched from Britain in 1998, is still considered a festival Englishman par excellence, we mention among these countries: Argentina, Spain , Ireland, Turkey, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Uruguay and others.

This festival has received more than fifty international awards, including Best Festival Award for dance music (Dance Music), the best audience, the best organization and the best programming ..

The presence of the names are coming to the festival every year, such as:

Steve Aoki
Eric Prydz
Steve Angello
The presence within the public Kramveldz is not a bad idea, for sure!

Electric Daisy Carnival  EDC
EAST RUTHERFORD,افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية -

Location: Las Vegas, United States

One of the largest and, of course, one of the best electronic music festivals in the world, even the largest festival of its kind outside Europe, launched the first time at the beginning of the nineties and then quickly disappeared, and then returned in its current form in 1997, to deliver a resounding success and spread from Nevada to nine other US states, then to other countries outside the United States, we recall, including Britain, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, and therefore it is a chance to turn to travel around the world for Hadharah it starts from the beginning of May and lasts until the end of the first days of the month Desimbr.

The development of this festival lasts for three days instead of two days only starting from the year 2011, when he was received more than two hundred and thirty thousand spectators, bringing to more than 400 thousand spectators in 2015 and becomes attending dream for all lovers of this kind of music.

افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - outlook

Location: Pula, Croatia

This festival launched the first time in 2008, and is characterized by Mnsath sites that are carefully selected and are often at the beaches, along with concerts offered by the festival on board the ships. Despite being held in Croatia, that most of the spectators who come from Britain, they mean the same thing applies to the team-based organization of the festival, which holds the majority of British nationality nor its members are descendants of the country in which the festival is held on home soil.

The latter is held for 5 days during the beginning of September of each year, during which the festival receives more than three hundred DJ and singer, are divided on the platform 12 and 40 ships.

Electric love
افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - electric love

Location: Plainfield, Austria

We turn to one of the latest festivals where date back its launch to the year 2013, but he nevertheless managed to outperform the previous festivals very quickly to become the largest and most important festival of its kind in Austria, scoring points and winning for more than a hundred thousand spectators after only one year of its launch due to the splendor of its organization as well to big names hosted annually Kalamlaq "David Geeta" who was among the first of those present at the first session of the festival and thus the early promoters of him, too.

The festival is held Electric love during the second weekend of July each year.

Balaton Sound
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Location: Zamárdi, Hungary

Since its founding in 2007 by the organizers of the wonderful sziget festival, it became Balaton Sound Festival is held annually for one week separates the end of June and beginning of July next Albalatun lake that bears its name the festival, which is the largest lake in Central Europe.

This festival is one of the most important electronic music festivals in Europe, of welcoming crowd of more than one hundred fifty thousand spectators each year from all over the old continent to attend the performances, which are distributed on eleven different platform that receives the most important and most famous names in this kind of music, featuring the festival two advantages, first, the offers last for 24 hours a day throughout the festival, and the second lies in the keenness of the organizers of the festival is to provide maximum facilities to the present, from the provision of restaurants, shopping and access to the diversification of accommodation available on the physical possibilities and at the option of each person, ranging from the provision of tents to book hotels in different classifications or apartments and even luxury villas.

Nature One
افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - nature one

Location: Castloun, Germany

Move from tranquil Lake Albalatun to a completely different place, where Nature festival One permanently on the former US military base carrying Pydna name, and although the festival was launched in 1995, it was late for four years for the most prestigious festival and the largest a Mayday Germany Festival, However, it surpasses it quickly in terms of attendance and in terms of duration, which is held for two days and in particular during the first weekend of August in exchange for just one night of the festival Mayday.

افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - defqon 1

Location: Bdinghausn, Netherlands

We turn to another festival dates from its inception to the year 2003 in the Netherlands, but his success pushing both Australia and Chile to launch other versions of the festival, the years 2009 and 2015, respectively, and regard this festival specific types of electronic music, a "hard Transamerica," "Hard House" and "hard Techno".

Unlike the festivals that we have mentioned in this article, does not receive this festival universal names or foreign only rarely, but only to call a large number of DJs Dutch, so the present - of the more than fifty-thousand - does not mean the festival in order to watch a particular star and listen to his music famous directly, but to enjoy the original music of "playing" for them exclusively, or as he says this festival lovers, they mean they are to enjoy the electronic music "real."

افضل مهرجانات الموسيقى الالكترونية في العالم - مهرجانات موسيقى الكترونية - Sunburn

Location: Candolim, India

We conclude our list by moving to another part of the world, and specifically to the town of Candolim South Goa, India, which is held by the largest music festival in the Asian continent, the number of attendees more than one hundred thousand people from 42 different countries, he SunBurn Festival, which was launched in 2007 to become two years later only present in the list top ten music festivals in the world, according to CNN, which many call him b TomorrowLand the Asian continent in the signal for the fun and the experience it provides to its visitors that.

The festival lasts for four days preceding the entry of the new year, and so the only winter festival within our list.

What's more Festival of the best electronic music festivals in the world like it raised? Is there another festival you want to add to the list?

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