Send your name to Mars.

Want to send your name to Mars on NASA's next rover mission in 2020? you will get your name carved on a silicon chip basifixed to the rover – and an award laissez-passer. Here's how.
NASA is giving the general public a chance to send their names – stenciled on chips – with the Mars 2020 rover mission. The rover is scheduled to launch as early as July 2020, with the satellite expected to the touch down on Mars in February 2021.
NASA can use Associate in Nursing electromagnetic wave to stencil the submitted names onto a microchip with lines of text smaller than simple fraction the dimension of a personality's hair (75 nanometers). At that size, over 1,000,000 names are often written on one dime-sized silicon chip. The chip (or chips) can ride on the rover beneath a glass cowl.
From currently till Sep thirty, you'll be able to add your name.
NASA same that the robotic rover can seek for signs of past microbic life, characterize the planet’s climate and earth science, collect samples for future come to Earth, and pave the approach for human exploration of Mars.
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Want to send your name to Mars on NASA's next rover mission in 2020? you will get your name carved on a silicon chip basifixed to the rover – and an award laissez-passer. Here's how.
NASA is giving the general public a chance to send their names – stenciled on chips – with the Mars 2020 rover mission. The rover is scheduled to launch as early as July 2020, with the satellite expected to the touch down on Mars in February 2021.
NASA can use Associate in Nursing electromagnetic wave to stencil the submitted names onto a microchip with lines of text smaller than simple fraction the dimension of a personality's hair (75 nanometers). At that size, over 1,000,000 names are often written on one dime-sized silicon chip. The chip (or chips) can ride on the rover beneath a glass cowl.
From currently till Sep thirty, you'll be able to add your name.
NASA same that the robotic rover can seek for signs of past microbic life, characterize the planet’s climate and earth science, collect samples for future come to Earth, and pave the approach for human exploration of Mars.
Use this link to Send your name to Mars: