This is what they said about the Kingdom of Sweden.

 This is what they said about the Kingdom of Sweden.

1_ The Kingdom of Sweden is the third largest European country by area after France and Spain, with a constitutional monarchy and a population of about 10 and a half million people.

2_ Sweden has not fought any war since 1814 and was a neutral party in World Wars I and II.

3_ More than 90% of the population of Sweden does not follow any religion, and the Swedish people enjoy a very high quality of life.

4_ The Swedish economy is considered a strong economy, and they are skilled in telecommunications companies, the automobile industry, and agricultural exports. They have less than 5% of the size of the economy.

5_ Alfred Nobel, creator of the Nobel Prize, Anders Celsius, inventor of the thermometer, and novelist Selma Lagerlöf, author of the famous cartoon series Niels All are Swedish.

6_ Niles cartoon series, the story of which was written and taught in schools, and its purpose was to create a conscious generation that loves to do good to all. Thanks to the strong echo of this story, the writer's picture was printed on the Swedish currency in honor of her and her distinguished work.

7_ The janitor is Muazaz Makram, his salary is very high, and he is fluent in more than one language.

8_ Education is free of charge at all levels of study, including universities

Free health insurance for everyone for a very small amount

 Sweden is also the first country to pass a law banning slapping children in 1979, and Sweden gives money to students to go to school and learn.

10_ Sweden is the first country in the world to put flight schedule boards at airports, and Sweden refused to have its currency the euro, even though it is within the European Union. This rejection came in a popular referendum set up by the Swedish authorities on this matter.

11_ The German and Swedish passports are considered the most powerful passports in the world, allowing their holders to enter other countries without a visa.

12_ The number of people who do not use the Internet in Sweden is estimated at nearly one million, and Sweden is the second country in Europe in terms of technological achievement.

13_ 1862 Sweden became the first country in the world to allow married women the right to vote in local elections

14_ The fastest internet line for the individual is owned by an old Swedish woman named “Hygbrit Lautberg”, with a speed of 40 gigabytes per second..!!

15_ There are 10 nuclear reactors in Sweden that are used for energy, not weapons, and the Swedish individual is considered one of the oldest members of Europe because of the ease of life and luxury.

16_ Ikea is the largest and best company in the world for the sale of home furnishings, as it owns more than 300 branches in more than 43 countries in the world.

17_ Sweden has started converting working hours from 8 to 6 hours, justifying that it is useless to work 8 hours..

18_ Sweden is considered one of the least corrupt countries, it comes in fourth place after New Zealand, Finland and Denmark, as well as in Sweden. If a couple gives birth to a child or adopts a child, they are given a leave of 480 days.

19_ The world famous car company, Volvo, is the first company in the world to invent the seat belt, and because of the high level of its owners, they did not make it a monopoly on them and kept it open for all companies to use it.

20_ Due to the severity of hygiene in Sweden and the severity of their exploitation of waste, it was carried out from Sweden and after that they imported waste from Norway..!! for industrial purposes

21_ In Sweden, if a person abides by the traffic law, a reward is recorded for him and they give him its money from the violations that are taken from the violating drivers.

22_ Finally, 90% of Sweden's ministers are under the age of 30, and all of them are from the common people. They also ride regular means of transportation, no armored cars, or...or any other features..

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