Baghdad battery, which is more than 2000 years old. Iraq

“It is one of the mysteries of life,” Paul Craddock, a mineralogist in the ancient Near East, described the Baghdad battery, stressing that this archaeological find, whose mineral contents indicated the ancients' knowledge of how to generate electricity; It turned into a mystery that aroused the curiosity of scientists since it was found, especially after archaeologists discovered that there are more than one piece located under the lands of Iraq, and they were able to find more than 10 of them.

He found a lot of silverware, coated with very thin layers of gold, and after he found that urn that was later called the Baghdad Battery; Wilhelm suggested that this jar was used to plating silverware with gold by primitively generating electricity using copper, iron, and liquid materials such as wine, lemon juice, or vinegar, which uses an acidic electrolyte to generate an electric current, some traces of which were found in These jars, though, are rejected by some skeptics of Wilhelm's theory, which suggests that the ancients knew electricity thousands of years before us.

 There are some scientists who believe that this jar may be evidence that we are not the only advanced civilization, and that the ancients knew technology before us, and one of the most important voices who supported the ability of the Baghdad battery to generate electricity is Marjorie Senchal, professor of history of science and technology at Smith College in the United States American.

This was when she conducted many experiments with the help of her students at the university to generate electricity with this machine, through which she was able to generate only about one volt of electricity, but - from her point of view - it was enough to prove that that jar was used before to generate electricity even if it was Few of them, meaning that the technological concept of electricity has actually been around for 2000 years.


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