General information about the Turkish city of Trabzon

Where is Trabzon located in Turkey?0

Trabzon is located in northeastern Turkey, on the coast of the Black Sea, on the historical Silk Road, where Trabzon was a trade gateway to Iran and the Caucasus.

Trabzon was an important reference point for navigators in the Black Sea in bad weather, and the famous expression “Trabzon is lost” is still widely used in the Italian language; To describe the loss of direction during navigation.

What is the area of ​​Trabzon?

The area of ​​Trabzon Province is about 4,685 square kilometers, with plateaus accounting for 22.4%, and hills accounting for 77.6% of the total area.

The history of Trabzon in Turkey

The history of the city’s construction dates back to the eighth century BC, and the ruins of this city tell the story of the civilizations that passed through it, as it was ruled by the Greeks, then the Romans, and then the Ottoman Muslims, when the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II conquered it, and installed his son (Sultan Selim I) as ruler of the Sanjak of Trabzon.

#weather in trabzon

Trabzon's weather is characterized by the intensity of the precipitation, which is characterized by the Black Sea climate. It has a warm and humid climate in summer, and the average maximum temperature in August is 26.7 degrees Celsius, and its winters are cold and humid. The minimum average minimum temperature in the city center in January is about 5 degrees Celsius.

#Trabzon in winter - Tourism in Trabzon in winter

Snow usually falls in Trabzon between the months of December and March. The snow continues for a week or two sometimes, and the precipitation may be heavy at the beginning.

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