Profitable tourism.. How to make money from travel?

The idea of ​​travel has always been associated with spending, and perhaps this is the reason why many people are actually reluctant to take experiences and adventures outside the borders of their countries. It is not possible to spend a week abroad at prices less than $1,000, between the price of a ticket and a visa for some countries, in addition to paying bills for accommodation in hotels, food and other daily costs.

But you can change this traditional idea, and shift the adventures from one place to spend to another to raise money. With some skills and tools that we all have, we can use them to make money and even make travel your new job.

Some specialized writers point out that modern technology has changed many concepts of work, and it can be exploited to make it a tool to make money. If you are interested in that, here is a list of some ways to earn money during your next trip.

- Create blogs

You cannot imagine what financial benefits you can get if you start a professional tourism blog. In the Arab world, establishing a blog in this sense is almost a rarity, and now is your chance to do so.

Its success requires time and patience to be able to benefit from it. Its launch, in addition to the website, also requires that you be ready to convey your full experience, whether through writing or photography, or the participation of the public in the celebrations and workshops that are held in the destination you are visiting, as this would attract many people to enjoy these events remotely.

If you are, for example, visiting Qatar to attend the World Cup matches, you may get millions of viewers just to relay the celebrations in the public streets or cafes.

In addition, the current trend in tourism takes into account cultural and artistic matters. If you manage to write down and photograph museums and the valuable pieces they contain, you will certainly get a large number of followers, and therefore a large number of paid advertisements.

- Sell photos

All people without exception take hundreds of photos during their trips, but it did not occur to them that these photos could be sold, especially if they are of an enthusiastic nature or contain part of interesting adventures, it is preferable to have a high-tech camera, with which you can take pictures of your family And sell them on specialized sites, for example, Shutterstock in the United States, and options include selling your photos to agencies for royalties, in addition to the Canadian site 500px, and many others.

This requires you to make an expressive photo, or to capture an unfamiliar landscape, or even to contract with international agencies if you are located in one of the remote or exotic destinations that are not reached by enough professional photographers, such as the jungles of the African continent or the islands of the Indian Ocean.

- Create festivities

This option will work best for people who intend to settle in one place for a few weeks or months, as it requires you to create festivities where you live for a certain period, including concerts or art, or holding painting and sculpture workshops.

And if you do not have any artistic talent, you can simply set up a market for the residents of the area, where they can display their products, provided that you are the main organizer of this event.

You can also be a part of this event, manufacture any popular foods that are characteristic of your country, display and sell them in the popular markets, and you are sure to get a lot of money, because people usually tend to taste different foods from their usual diet, or you can even create a workshop A work specialized in cooking, and the manufacture of popular foods that characterize your country.

- Delivery man

You can imagine the profits you can make if you want to become an international delivery operator. Before their travels, tourists can search for local residents in the intended tourist destination, whether through social media, or through some specialized sites where people put their needs from other countries, such as Briddgy, where you can buy the product, ship it with you and deliver it to the person in The destination tourist destination, the more people and more packages you search for, the higher your income.

Roadie is also a great idea to get things from one person to another, especially if your trip is overland and passes through several villages or cities within the same country. You can actually earn money, meet local people and make many friends.

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