Video: Green lake, garden in winter and lake in summer

 Green lake, garden in winter and lake in summer


It is a lake located in the Austrian state of Styria, specifically near the town of Tragose, surrounded by mountains and forests, and its water is very clean and comes from melting snow from the surrounding mountains, with a temperature of 6-7 degrees Celsius (43-45 degrees Fahrenheit).

During the winter, the depth of the lake is only 1-2 meters and the surrounding area is used as a park. However, during the spring, when the temperatures rise and the snow melts, and the lake basin fills with water, it reaches its maximum depth of approximately 12 meters from mid-May to June. And in July the water begins to recede.

A variety of animals live in the lake such as snails, water fleas, small crabs, caterpillars, and different types of trout. Plants are not abundant due to the rocky lake floor.

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