The biggest secret hidden from people

The biggest secret hidden from people

The Earth that most of us know is just one of many other worlds.



What we consider to be Antarctica (which is actually nothing more than a giant wall of ice)

There are vast continents and oceans that very few living people have ever seen

This ice wall extends by 360 degrees, which separates our land from other lands

It is almost impossible for ships to break through this wall (although some planes managed to get through.

This was known to the ancients who conceived of our world as "flat" as they knew these impenetrable boundaries.

Secret maps have been made in the past detailing this. The most famous of them is kept in a Japanese Buddhist monastery, which is rarely seen by man.

The vastness of our land is known to all elites and secret societies.

We always find their allusions to us in the slogans of organizations such as the United Nations.
This is also a reason why the number 33 is sacred to Freemasonry. There are 33 continents behind the ice wall.

The elite or the Illuminati know what lies behind this huge ice wall.

And sure enough, all NASA photos of Earth are nothing more than fake (badly worded sometimes too).
They never thought people would have the technology to compare them (thanks to the internet).

Are there any beings on those 33 continents beyond the ice wall?

Most likely there are inhabitants in these lands

Even the American explorer of Antarctica, Admiral Richard Byrd, flew through the ice wall and some say he contacted beings there.

The fact is that the entrance to the ice wall is closely guarded by the countries of the world (the North Pole is never like that).

Even the most intrepid and well-financed explorers wouldn't be able to get past the patrol ships without a special permit.

The ancients knew about the lands beyond Antarctica and formulated their cosmology accordingly.
Only modern man, who is controlled by the elites and their high priests of Almasons, is ignorant of this
Yes, we have been brainwashing for ages

Wake up, free your mind, and find the true form of the Great Lands

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