The coldest village on Earth is Oymyakon, Russia.

The coldest village on Earth is Oymyakon, Russia.


In this land of Siberia, cold cannot be considered a fleeting matter, as it freezes the eyelashes of the eyes Frostbite is also an ongoing risk.

Cars are usually kept running even when not in use for fear that the batteries will die in temperatures of minus 58 degrees.

Oymyakon, one of the 500 Russian settlements in the Russian region of Yakutia, has gained worldwide fame as the world's coldest permanent human settlement.

  Earlier last year, extreme cold weather caused temperatures there to drop to record lows.
The temperature in that village sometimes reaches minus 70 degrees, which is the lowest temperature ever recorded in an inhabited place in the northern hemisphere.Only 500 people live in that village!!

Because of the harsh weather, crops don't grow there.


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