Are you ready for your solo trip?

Are you ready for your solo trip?

With all the preparation in the world, I don't think anyone can "prepare" for a trip like this.

You can try to pack all the necessary equipment, you can research as much as you can and decide the perfect route and plan.

But I can tell you from my many years of experience and other people's experiences, you can make all the plans in the world, but things will never go exactly the way you want them to.

The best plan is not to have an actual plan, but to just move forward.

  The best preparation you can make is to be open enough and ready for anything.

The more rigid and committed you are to an idea or expectation you have, the more likely you are to be able to accept things gracefully as they come and enjoy the beautiful moments.

In some cases, they were not fully prepared for their journey in all its forms. Everything from extreme weather to not having the right equipment, last-minute route changes, equipment malfunctions and health issues blew up at them along the way.

But the one thing they were prepared for was knowing that nothing would ever go as planned, and for most of the time they had.

  It's not the perfect trip that makes the story, it's the highs, lows and everything in between that makes travel a beautiful experience.

It's not the completion of a perfect plan, it's the twists, turns and bumps along the way that make the journey. That's why they call it, adventure!

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