Can Rocks Grow? Trovants, The Mysterious Growing Rock

Can Rocks Grow? Trovants, The Mysterious Growing Rock

Have you ever heard about live stones ... its stones breathe and grow !!
It is the phenomenon of living stones in Romania ..!

Which local population dubbed: TOVANT, which means the stones that grow.
Initially, it was small stones, but it needed a thousand years to grow between 3 to 4 cm, but it reached its size over time to dozens of meters.
Later, the scientists went to study these rocks .. They found that they consist of sedimentary sand, which in turn contains carbon, and when rain falls, the sand is deposited and pressed on the carbon and pushes it out, so it appears in the form of stone appendages ..
After that, the researchers opened these rocks, and they found that they contain rings such as those that make up the trunks of trees .. Thus they were able to calculate and determine the age of these stones ..
They also found that it breathes and has a pulse measured with highly sensitive devices.
And not only that, but it moves 2.5 cm every two weeks, and its movement is in the form of a displacement, and this is the result of increasing its mass on the one hand more than other parties.

Local population also calls stones "stones that grow" because they have the ability to increase in size as if they were live organisms. Every time the rain falls, new interesting forms appear on the surface, which leads to the emergence of many stories. When it is exposed to rain water, the inert stones seem to return to life and start growing.

According to the Infobae website, the process of stones growth is not fast compared to the age of man, as it requires about a thousand years to grow between 4 and 5 cm, and after scientists examined these stones they found that they contain circular rings from the inside similar to those in the trunks of trees.
The scientists estimated the age of these stones at 6 million years and said that before that it was small stones that continued to sleep until they reached the size currently on it, which is 10 meters.
Scientists suggest that these stones were formed from the sedimentary sand six million years near the sand. Strange was detected by highly sensitive devices.
As for the movement of stones, this happens due to the increase in the stone of the stone by one side, which drives it forward.

When the researchers opened these rocks, they found that they contain rings such as those that are the trunks of the trees, which could calculate the age of these stones. They also found that she was breathing and has a pulse measured with highly sensitive devices ...
Not only that, but it also moves 2.5 cm every two weeks and moves it in the form of his removal, as a result of increasing its mass on the one hand more than other parties.
Since Romania is the source of myths, this will not pass the honorable passage, but it may live around it a lot and a lot. ..

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