Exposing the secret of flight attendants putting their hands behind their backs while greeting passengers boarding the plane

Exposing the secret of flight attendants putting their hands behind their backs while greeting passengers boarding the plane


If you are a person who travels a lot and rides planes regularly, or perhaps you boarded a plane only once in your life, but your mind was present, you may have noticed that when you board the plane, you find that the flight attendant greets you at the door with a wide smile on her face, but she puts her hand behind her back. Perhaps you did not pay attention to this matter and did not expect that there was a reason or secret behind this matter.

The secret is that flight attendants need to count the people who have boarded the plane before the plane begins to take off, and the process of counting the people who have boarded the plane is done either when entering the plane door or after the passengers have evacuated. To do this, they use a special counter and hold it in their hands behind their backs.

Once someone boards the plane, the flight attendant presses the counter to add the number of people who boarded the plane from the first person to the last person, and then the crew has knowledge of the number of passengers who boarded the plane. This can be done after the passengers are seated by the flight attendant passing along the passenger cabin to count the number of passengers who have boarded the plane.

This is done indirectly by hiding the counter behind their backs so that they do not attract attention to the matter and so that it does not appear objectionable if the flight attendant counts people directly. This method is inconsistent with the degree of professionalism that the flight attendants have learned.

The next time you board the plane and see the flight attendant looking at you with a smile on her face, know that all she is doing is adding you to the number of people who boarded the plane.


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