For Moms: effective methods to get plenty of sleep despite having a baby

For Moms: effective methods to get plenty of sleep despite having a baby


The child's first years are the most difficult for the mother, as she is increasingly responsible for caring for her child, and his sleep times are often different from normal sleep times, which is one of the biggest problems that the mother faces, and perhaps the real problem does not lie only in the difference in times, but in the number of hours of sleep itself. It is often intermittent, and this confuses many mothers and makes them feel tired and exhausted, but today we will help you with some tips to reduce the severity of the matter and enjoy a calm and wonderful life with your little one.
1. Prepare yourself for bed
Do not consume a lot of stimulants that contain caffeine throughout the day, as this will disrupt your natural sleep cycle, and it is also not recommended, especially if you are breastfeeding your baby. Also, one of the things that may alert you and hinder your sleep is excessive exposure to screen light, especially before sleeping. It is best for you to follow a quiet sleep routine and try to sleep and wake up during specific times. Of course, it will include many waking times to monitor your baby, but it will be sufficient.

2. Take every opportunity to sleep
In fact, during the first months, children get enough sleep, but it is divided into periods and not continuous, and here the mother must seize every opportunity to sleep with her infant to enjoy calm and
comfort. You know that the amount of sleep you take will also have a positive effect on the health and comfort of your infant. Being comfortable will make you calmer, more caring for your infant, and also more focused...and this takes us to the next point.

3. Your sleep and comfort are more important than organizing and cleaning the house
Of course, no one wants to live in a chaotic place, and certainly your life before the arrival of the baby was organized and everything was arranged according to what you wanted, but the arrival of a child who is fully responsible for you pushes you to change your priorities. Either you care about your baby first and foremost, then the home, and in the end your health and yourself. ! This will eventually lead you to lack of sleep and lack of focus, or to take care of your baby first, then yourself, with the home coming in third place. Having some dishes in the kitchen is not a big deal, and not folding clothes immediately after drying will not be a problem, as long as your health and the health of your child, whether psychological or physical, are at their best.

4. Ask for help
Not having control of the situation is nothing to be ashamed of. It is normal for you to lose control over some things, and here you should not be ashamed to ask for help, whether from your husband, one of your relatives, or even from specialists. Removing some tasks from you will relieve some of the pressure on your shoulders, and this will push you to live your life during the child’s first years smoothly and easily.

5. You and your baby sleep in the same room
Some people have claimed that the baby should be separated in another room and that this is better for the health of the baby and the mother! But the truth is that the infant needs to hear his mother’s voice, feel her, and be reassured by her presence in the same room. As for the mother, going to another room more than once at night to fulfill her infant’s desires will make her feel more tired, especially since young children may wake up and cry not because of hunger but perhaps just because of fear, and as soon as they hear the mother’s voice they become a little calmer and it makes them fall asleep again.

* In general, it is recommended to place the infant in a separate bed in the same room as the mother.


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