How to be the number 1 in your classroom? Stop writing the notes !!

How to be the number 1 in your classroom? Stop writing the notes !!

Have you ever felt frustrated as you move between your studies, trying to be the best in your chapter? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. In rapid and challenges full of school years, students are always wondering about effective ways to improve their academic performance. But have you ever thought about changing your approach? Let's explore together this article, which provides inspiring and different advice to achieve superiority in your chapter in new ways.

Stop the intensive writing of the notes

When we look at the intensive writing process during the grades, we quickly realize that this method is a challenge for students. Excessive writing, where each sentence is written without distinguishing its importance, constitutes an obstacle to focus and distraction. There is a wrong belief in the importance of recording each word, without taking into account the main information or major ideas. This method is caused by the lack of deep understanding and effective concentration, which negatively affects the assimilation process.

Use alternative study strategies

To improve academic effectiveness, try Pomodoro technology and diverged repetition. Pomodoro technology is a time management strategy that is based on dividing work periods into specific time periods with rest periods. It was named by this name in relation to the effect that used the Pomodoro kitchen watch, which works for 25 minutes and then follows a short rest period of 5 minutes. After every four periods of work, a long rest period is given for 15-30 minutes.

This technique aims to increase focus and productivity by dividing time into small, manageable periods, with a full focus during work periods and short breaks for renewal and avoiding dispersion.

As for the spacing repetition technique, it depends on the idea of reviewing information at increasing time periods. When the individual learns something new, he reviews it regularly, but the more it progresses, the more review periods are extended.

Depend on the pictures and optics in writing

In your endeavor to enhance the effectiveness of writing, reliance on images and visual media is an effective way to make concepts more clear and easy to understand. By including pictures and illustrations in the notes, you can improve the quality of the explanation and enhance the reader's interaction with the content.

     Divide the difficult definitions: When you face difficult definitions, it is preferable to divide them into smaller and more understanding parts. This contributes to alleviating difficulty and avoiding a feeling of fatigue. Using a personal understanding means that you write notes in a way that suits your own understanding method, which makes information more remembrance.

     Visual media to clarify concepts: Carrying pictures and illustrations bearing the ability to better clarify concepts than a simple written text. You can use pictures to embody ideas and simplify information. This not only helps in a better understanding, but also enhances the reminder of information, as the images can remain in memory for a longer period.

Using these strategies, you can improve the quality of your notes and make the writing process more effective and effective to understand and remind.


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