Derinkuyu: a mysterious underground city in Türkiye

Derinkuyu: a mysterious underground city in Türkiye

Turkey is a country that is steeped in history, as it includes many archaeological wonders that have acquired the imagination of travelers from all over the world. One of these marvels is the city of Derinkuyu, a mysterious underground city located in the Capadocia region in central Turkey.
Derinkuyu is an unusual testimony to human ingenuity and resourcefulness, as well as a wonderful mystery that still captivates the explorers and historians alike.

Derinkuyu is believed to have been built during the Byzantine era, around the eighth century BC. It has been carved from soft volcanic rocks known as Tof, which is abundant in the Capadocia region. 

What distinguishes derinkuyu is its large size and complexity. The underground city extends approximately 60 meters below the surface of the earth, and it consists of multiple levels connected to a network of tunnels, stairs and ventilation columns.

One of the most prominent aspects of Derinkuyu is its purpose. It is believed to be designed to serve as a huge shelter to protect its residents from external threats, including invasions and natural disasters.

 It can absorb thousands of people with their livestock and supplies, making it a self -sufficient shelter able to preserve life for long periods. The city includes many rooms that have served different jobs, such as living spaces, kitchens, common areas, chapels and even school.

Derincio's complex design suggests an advanced level of engineering and architectural planning. Narrow tunnels and low -ceiling corridors are built strategically to obstruct the progress of potential invaders. 

Huge stone doors have been used to weigh several hundred kilograms to close parts of the city, and to create a defense mechanism against infiltrators. In addition, innovative ventilation systems allowed fresh air to rotate all over the underground complex.

A city that is considered one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world, and many scholars likened it to be a very surprising and complicated city complicated by the Pharaonic pyramids, and it has sparked confusion in its huge and its presence in the lower earth, which led to the launch of the local population in the name of the city .

It consists of solid volcanic rocks, as the wind and water formed strange forms in their rocks and terrain, and they can accommodate 50 thousand people! It contains all the amenities of the contemporary of olives, stables, rooms, a stone for food, chapels, and the presence of a wide temple, and included rooms for the era of wine and tombs and the goal of building it was the shelter and concealment and it was It has a dam that prevents anything from entering, and this is what made people wonder why people wanted to leave their homes and live in this city?! 

Was it for hiding and protection? Or for another purpose?! Its construction is from the people of Al -Frejanis who founded their empire west of Anatolia in the eighth century BC and their capital was Gurm, and after the disappearance of the Freyns Empire, the city expanded by the Byzantines.

But the questions remain raised, how can a person build an underground city?! Or that he who built it was not a human being at all? The reader regarding the reality of this place?


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