Have you ever seen a yellow penguin?

 Have you ever seen a yellow penguin? 


In the latest discovery ever, Belgian explorer and wildlife photographer Yves Adams captured footage of a yellow and white penguin that was “never seen before.” Among thousands of black and white penguins on a South Atlantic island.

 According from the British newspaper The Independent, Adams said: “I have never seen or heard of a yellow penguin before, and there are about 120,000 penguins on that beach, and this was the only yellow bird there.” 

 Adams was leading a two-month expedition in December 2019 when the team stopped on an island in South Georgia to photograph penguins, and that's when the yellow penguin was spotted. 


The Belgian explorer explained: “One of the birds looked really strange, and when I looked closely it was yellow. We were all surprised when we realized this, and we put down our safety gear and grabbed our cameras.”


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