Do you want to start a marketing project? Here are three ideas that open opportunities for you!

Do you want to start a marketing project? Here are 03 ideas that open opportunities for you!


The vast majority of marketing companies in the field of marketing are companies that provide services, which makes it rare for us to have to link between the marketing industry with emerging companies in the field of technology. Two giants in the world of technology, which are "dead" and "Google", are also highlighted, as they achieve most of their revenues from advertisements, which indicates that technology has changed the features of marketing radically, which is more clear today more than ever thanks to the accelerated technological progress in Digital world in recent years.

Let us consider together three promising opportunities provided by startups in the field of marketing, which have the possibility to transform traditional practices upside down and push the innovation wheel in this industry.

Impact marketing platforms

Marketing has demonstrated its ability as an effective tool for brands in reaching its target fans, enhancing awareness of the mark, and increasing participation. The influencer marketing platforms provide facilities for cooperation between brands and influencers, allowing brands to identify appropriate influencers, communicate with them and manage these partnerships efficiently. These platforms provide a center in which the brands can discover the appropriate influencers, analyze their audience, follow up on the performance of advertising campaigns, and measure the return on investment accurately.

The broad diversity in the marketing sector is one of the most prominent challenges and opportunities, as each influence is characterized by its privacy, which opens the way for emerging companies to develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of the various market sectors, based on factors such as the site, language, audience preferences, and the characteristics of various industry.

AR ads (AR)

Augmented reality ads contribute to the integration of digital content into material reality, providing users with overwhelming interactive experiences. This technology is used in the hypothesis of virtual elements, such as 3D models, animation and information, on the real environment that users watch through smart phone cameras or augmented reality glasses. This innovative approach in advertising gives the opportunity for brands to interact with consumers with innovative and influential methods, enhancing brand awareness and customer participation.

The cooperation between "IKEA" and "Snapchat" is a prominent example of the success of augmented reality ads, as it allows users to experience the IKEA furniture and accessories in their homes through the Snapchat application. This initiative is not limited to providing an interactive and interesting shopping experience for users, but also enables IKEA to display its products innovative and attractive.

The opportunity for emerging companies is to develop advertising technologies and advertising platforms, which enable brands to create a specially designed reality experiences to attract the attention of their target audience. As consumers are increasingly popular with venture and interactive content, the demand for advertising solutions is growing in augmented reality that enables brands to excel in a competitive market and communicate with consumers more effectively and deeply.

Marketing automation to support artificial intelligence

The automation of automation of marketing -backed intelligence is a revolution in marketing, as it uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to automate marketing tasks and enhance campaigns performance. These solutions enable companies to simplify their marketing procedures, enhance efficiency, and achieve distinguished results across multiple channels, such as e -mail marketing, ads on social media platforms, and content customization.

Hubspot is a prominent example of successful marketing automation platforms that use artificial intelligence, which offers a wide range of tools and benefits to help companies automate marketing, potential customer care, and campaigning performance analysis. By taking advantage of artificial intelligence and predictive analyzes, Hubspot enables companies to provide widely dedicated experiences and make meaningful interactions with their targeted fans.

But the largest revolution in this field is the obstetric artificial intelligence, as it is already used to create artificial intelligence images that are widely used in marketing, especially for social media content. With the improvement of artificial intelligence video techniques, the ability to produce dedicated marketing content is highlighted at a low cost and with high efficiency, which makes a radical transformation in the industry.

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