The Silente zone is a forbidden area for humans and animals!!.......

The Silente zone is a forbidden area for humans and animals

The "Belt of Silence" area is an area located in the Mapimi Desert in northern Mexico. This area lives in absolute silence. Modern means of communication cannot pass through this area. Radio, television, and mobile devices cannot work in that area, and GPS signals and satellite channels cannot be received via satellites. Everything that is transmitted via waves, whether manual or wireless communication devices, is a silent area, surrounded by stillness, and full of many strange phenomena. It is also located on the same latitude as the famous Bermuda Triangle.

The researchers also noticed some other phenomena related to animals, such as the disturbances faced by some animals. In one of the scientific missions that camped in that area, there was a “dog” accompanying some members of the mission, and the dog began to exhibit some strange behaviors, such as curling its tail and barking, and signs of panic began to appear for no reason. It is clear that on the morning of the next day, the members of the expedition did not find the dog, which apparently had left the area or perhaps died somewhere. The researchers also noted that migratory birds remain on their way when passing over this area called the Belt of Silence, and no one knows the reason for this despite the accuracy of the birds in identifying them. Its directions. Also, when a turtle is placed on its back, it turns on its back, and no one knows the reason for this behavior. The matter is not limited to animals only. It is common in that region that it is not possible to use a compass to determine direction, as it is useless in that region.

In the year 1985 AD, an amateur exploration mission made a trip to that area and was scheduled to stay for a week. Carter, the head of the mission, says that on the third day, some of the team members began to appear delirious and have hallucinations. The place is very lonely and the sky of that area resembles fireworks at night due to the abundance of lights. Crime and clouds of smoke, and the team members appeared tired and tired, as if someone was asking us to leave, so everyone decided to leave the place, and Carter said, “I think this area is the place of Satan’s throne!”

Local residents living near that area mention many stories. It is common to see flying saucers, ghosts, and the sky turning into what looks like fountains of fireworks, lights, unknown celestial bodies, and clouds of smoke in multiple colors.

The Silente zone is a forbidden area for humans and animals!!....... The Silente zone is a forbidden area for humans and animals!!....... Reviewed by travelandlook on 4/07/2024 Rating: 5

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