A family succeeded in capturing these pictures of an unknown object

A family succeeded in capturing these pictures of an unknown object

Southeast of Santiago - Chile

Sunday, February 14, 2010 My dear reader:

At 17:17

Local time at 33 47.8 South 69 53.35 West

About 45 miles southeast of Santiago - Chile

In the Andes Mountains

A family succeeded in capturing these pictures of an unknown object About 200 feet long Hidden among the clouds!

But these pictures were shown to many photography experts

And their authenticity was proven

But none of the researchers found a clear explanation

For the truth of the existence of this unknown flying object.

And of course those who are still waiting for this fiery red planet (Nibiru - or Planet X)

In order to prove the validity of the proximity of this unknown fiery planet

But we are now approaching the end of the year 2024

And Nibiru has not come yet

As for these pictures, they remain a mystery

From thousands of views For those unidentified flying objects, which many researchers believe, the sighting of many eyewitnesses of those objects for a few moments or minutes is nothing but a reflection of a parallel world in which those unidentified flying objects exist. For reasons that go wrong and the frequencies of this world overlap with our earthly world, this is why those strange sightings occur!


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