New secrets of a huge city beneath the Giza Pyramid in Egypt revealed

New secrets of a huge city beneath the Giza Pyramid in Egypt revealed

A new study, using advanced radar technology, may have revealed a massive underground system beneath the Giza Pyramids. 

Researchers from the University of Pisa and the University of Strathclyde used synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to reveal hidden structures within the chalk-built Great Pyramid that were invisible to conventional methods.

 Their discoveries revealed five identical structures connected by geometric pathways near the base of the Khafre Pyramid, with eight vertical shafts extending 648 meters to two massive cube-shaped structures, each about 80 meters wide. 

The entire underground system is said to extend about two kilometers beneath the three pyramids.

Some researchers believe the pyramids may have served more than just as tombs, possibly harnessing the Earth's natural energy or as an ancient power generator.

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