Surprising Nature Facts You Didn't Know!

Surprising Nature Facts You Didn't Know!

Did you know that a square piece of paper can’t be folded more than eight times, no matter how big it is? Fascinating, right? And while we sleep, our bodies partially paralyze to keep us from acting out our dreams imagine the chaos if we didn’t! The sun’s core is so incredibly hot that a tiny piece, the size of a pin, could generate enough heat to kill someone from 160 kilometers away. 

Then there’s the beluga whale, the only marine creature with no enemies; even killer whales steer clear of it. 

Crocodiles can survive a whole year without food, while horses can only manage a little over twenty days. A mother’s voice is the first sound a child recognizes, a bond that’s truly special. 

Interestingly, our faces aren’t perfectly symmetrical; one eye is slightly larger, and the right ear sits higher than the left. 

And if you cut an earthworm in half, each part can live independently and regenerate! Lastly, vultures can live for a century, but they often choose to end their lives when they fall ill. Nature is full of surprises!

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