Did you know which country has the strongest economy in Africa?

Did you know which country has the strongest economy in Africa?


What do you know about Mauritius?

- It is a small African country that provides free education until the end of the university level, including the transfer of students from their homes to their schools at the expense of the state... In Mauritius, education is a service provided by the state free of charge to the citizen and is not a commodity for sale in private schools...
  Mauritius provides free treatment and health care to all its citizens, including even expensive heart surgeries...
  There is no trade in the health of citizens in private hospitals...
- As for home ownership, did you know that 90% of Mauritians live in homes owned by them and there are no homeless families...
- The per capita income in Mauritius has reached 19,600/ thousand dollars, and they are not proud of being the highest income in Africa...
- The Republic of Mauritius is the richest African country despite not having natural materials... neither oil nor minerals, but rather depends on man, then agriculture and exporting agricultural products after their classification, and tourism is an exceptional resource and income for this country...
Military spending comes on the sidelines of the budget and actual spending on health, education and services...
- The President of Mauritius, Dr. Amina Gharib Fakim, is a scientist with a Ph.
- Muslims are considered a minority in the Republic of Mauritius, where they constitute only 17 / percent of the citizens, and despite this, the people chose a Muslim president because it is a society that coexists in peace and is not governed by religious or sectarian strife...
Destroying any nation does not need nuclear bombs or long-range missiles, but needs to reduce the quality of education and allow students to cheat:
The patient dies at the hands of a doctor who succeeded in fraud... Houses collapse at the hands of an engineer who succeeded in fraud... Money is lost at the hands of an accountant who succeeded in fraud... Debt dies at the hands of a sheikh who succeeded in fraud... Justice is lost at the hands of a judge who succeeded in fraud... Ignorance spreads in the minds of children at the hands of a teacher who succeeded in cheating...

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