Kopi Luwak coffee

 Kopi Luwak coffee


Which is prepared in Indonesia from coffee beans fermented inside the body of a civet cat and comes out with its droppings, one of the most expensive types of coffee in the world. Small quantities are prepared from this coffee, which has a strong aroma and distinctive taste. Indonesia's annual production of this coffee is only about 600 kilograms.

the world's most exclusive (and most expensive) coffee. The main factor of its high price is the uncommon method of production. It is produced from coffee beans which have been partially digested by the Indonesian palm civet and then excreted.

Kopi luwak can help those with migraines and other headaches. Due to the vasoconstriction effects of caffeine, kopi luwak is an ideal choice for those suffering from migraines. Due to the low acidity, kopi luwak is still suitable for migraines accompanied with stomach pain - unlike typical coffee.

The aprox price of Kopi Luwak is US$600 a kilo. That equates to $60 per 100 gm.

The name comes from the native language of Indonesia: “Kopi” means “Coffee” and “Luwak” means “Asian Palm Civet”. It's also called “Civet Coffee” (in the Philippines) and “Weasel Coffee” (in Vietnam). Bali, Sumatra and Jakarta were the places where the coffee came up first.

Can vegans drink Kopi Luwak?
Aside from the famous Kopi Luwak coffee, all coffee can be seen as vegetarian and vegan... ...can it? On paper, coffee is of course vegetarian and vegan since it is 100% derived from coffee plants, so is 100% plant based.

How do you drink Kopi Luwak coffee?

Pour water in a slow, even spiral, adding water every 10 – 15 seconds for an even extraction. Wait around three minutes once you have finished pouring water. Enjoy your premium Kaya Kopi Luwak!



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