The unknown girl of the Seine River

 The unknown girl of the Seine River


In 1880 the body of an unknown young woman was found in the Seine River in Paris. People revive this girl thousands of times daily all over the world, and she is known as the “Girl of the Seine.” but how is that? This girl had a beautiful face that drowning did not dispel the traces of its beauty, and it later became an artistic mask as it is one of the most famous pieces of art in the world, and it is still used as a template for the faces of mankans

No one was able to identify the girl or know any other details, and she was taken to the morgue in Paris, perhaps that would help in identifying information about her, but to no avail, so she was shown to the public as this place attracted thousands of visitors, until the morgue area was closed.
This girl had a beautiful smile, which enchanted the morgue doctor, which prompted him to design a plaster mask that mimics the beauty of her face and her smile.

By 1900, many of the faces of this girl had been made, simulating the death mask designed by the doctor, and it was widely spread as a modern piece of home furnishing in many European countries. This girl, her mysterious story, and her beautiful smile inspired writers in their literary works, not only in Europe, but also in America and Russia. As for the reason for the fame, it is due to the fact that in 1958 the mask was used to create the so-called “Rescue Anne”, a human anthropomorphic used in cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses.

This is why the face of the Girl of the Seine is said to be the most kissable face in the world. And in the fifties, the girl became such an icon in Europe that her mysterious smile was even compared to the Mona Lisa. No one knows what this girl was thinking before being swept away in the river, but her charming smile made it seem as if she knew that one day she would be the most famous woman in the world!


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