The mystery diamond The largest and rare black diamond in the world

The mystery diamond The largest and rare black diamond in the world

The largest and rare black diamond in the world was offered at auction last night in London
This billion-year-old 555.55-carat black diamond sold for $4.3 million.

The diamond is called "The Enigma" and is of the carbonado type, which is one of the strongest forms of natural diamond.

There are different theories about the origin of this diamond, one of which says that it was transported to Earth from space by an asteroid.

It is believed that the rare black diamond called "Enigma" (enigma) was formed when a meteorite or asteroid hit the Earth more than 1.6 billion years ago, as explained by Sotheby's jewelry specialist Sophie Stephens.

This diamond, which weighs 555.55 carats, was not shown by its owner, whose name was not revealed during the past twenty years, but experts turned it into a jewel with 55 faces.

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