Mewing technique coined by Dr. Mike Mew changes face shape without plastic surgeons

 Mewing technique coined by Dr. Mike Mew changes face shape without plastic surgeons

Recently, a method that claims to help change the shape of the face, jaw bones, and even teeth has spread through social media, by changing the position of the tongue in the mouth.

This method, known as "Mewing", spread thanks to British dentist Mike Mew, who confirmed that it helps to obtain a more "defined" face thanks to its effect on the jaw bones and under the chin.

He also explained that it helps to correct crooked teeth inside the mouth, and contributes to the treatment of sleep apnea.

This method depends on pushing the tongue completely to the roof of the throat, meaning that you push your tongue from its base to its tip upwards, while closing your mouth, and sticking the teeth together.

This method has spread widely on the Internet, as many have applied it and photographed their faces over a period of time, to verify its effect.

To do the mewing exercise correctly, you must relax your tongue and make sure it completely touches the roof of your mouth, including the back of the tongue.

This will likely take a lot of practice, as you're probably so used to relaxing your tongue away from the roof of your mouth without giving it a second thought, that over time your muscles will remember how to position your tongue in the correct position so that it becomes second nature.

It is recommended that you do mewing all the time, even when drinking liquids. There is a problem with mewing, it may take years to get results.

Maxillofacial deformities are usually corrected with surgery or orthodontics, so you should not assume that you can quickly correct any problem on your own.

Is it possible to change the shape of the face Mueong exercises?

Proponents of this technique believe that over time, it will change the position of your tongue as well as your general facial features, most notably your jawline.

Meo explained that to obtain good results, the technique should be applied continuously for a period of no less than 6 months, and adopted permanently as a way of life, pointing out that it is good for the mouth to remain closed to encourage people to breathe through their nose more, according to what was reported by the Daily Mail newspaper. " British.


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